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Mar 8, 2023, 10 tweets

Tomorrow is Housing, Homelessness & Fair Work committee and I’m putting forward several amendments 📝🏡

From plans for retrofitting homes, to supporting workers in the gig economy and reviewing the accessibility of Council allocation processes, read on to find out more ⤵️ (1/)

I’m bringing an amendment about the Council’s “whole house retrofit” approach, asking for detail about how estate works can incorporate sustainable water management & preparation to decarbonise heat systems within homes, rather than focusing solely on energy efficiency 🌊🔥🌱

I’m also asking about support for the workforce as part of this amendment, noting our commitment to a just transition, and asking for more information about how homes will be prioritised within the programme, in line with a climate justice approach 💪🌍

Alongside the SNP, I’m bringing an amendment to the proposed Tenant Hardship Fund which is being created. This investigates some of the equalities impacts which should have been considered in the scheme’s design, and addresses concerns we have about meanwhile payments ⤵️

I’m also bringing an amendment about additional funding the council has received for Parental Employability Support noting that this is a gendered issue and that spending decisions must recognise this fact 👩‍👧‍👦

I have another amendment on the Gig Economy task force, asking for an update on how this work will take account of the Council’s decision to endorse @UniteCECbranch’s Get Me Home Safely campaign in October, after @AlysGreens motion 🚌 💼

The amendment also asks for an update on work the Council is doing to engage with co-operatives and social enterprises, and to receive a list of partners / organisations it is working with on this currently 🤝

I have a small amendment as part of the Council’s “Housing Service Improvement Plan” to understand more about how access needs are considered as part of work ongoing to develop Edindex, the Council’s housing allocation system 💻📝 ✅

Finally, I have an amendment looking at the Council’s Mixed Tenure Improvement Service, exploring support available to private owners in mixed tenure blocks for retrofitting and other improvements — important in the context of rising costs! 💷

This is set to be a long committee tomorrow but lots of important business to discuss 💬

As ever, you can find all the papers and watch the meeting live on the Council website: 🔍…

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