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Aug 23, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday was Policy & Sustainability committee — on the agenda was:

*TVL (Tourist Tax) 🧳
*Redeployment pool plans 🏊‍♂️
*Corporate property strategy 🏢
*Energy for Edinburgh ⚡️
*Health & Social Care scrutiny 🔍
*Gaelic language plan 🗣
*Community Climate Funding 🌱

(1/) *International Travel guidance ✈️
*Update on declaring a Nature Emergency 🚨
*Heat Networks update 🔥
*Annual Performance report 📊

plus lots more! An overview in thread 🪡, but you can access all papers (and webcast recording) on the Council website:…
Mar 8, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow is Housing, Homelessness & Fair Work committee and I’m putting forward several amendments 📝🏡

From plans for retrofitting homes, to supporting workers in the gig economy and reviewing the accessibility of Council allocation processes, read on to find out more ⤵️ (1/) Front page of the meeting agenda I’m bringing an amendment about the Council’s “whole house retrofit” approach, asking for detail about how estate works can incorporate sustainable water management & preparation to decarbonise heat systems within homes, rather than focusing solely on energy efficiency 🌊🔥🌱 Picture of amendment text — full text in link at end of Tweet thread