Maya Forstater Profile picture
Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Mar 9, 2023, 12 tweets

How was your #InternationalWomensDay ?

@WOWisGlobal got 24 likes on their pinned tweet@

@GIWLkings got 6

@fawcettsociety got no likes at all on this tweet (In which they announce they are launching a Stonewall Champions-type scheme for employers)

Newcomers @Right2Equality got 25 likes

@WEP_UK got 74

@RFKhumanrightUK - the organisation that *took a human rights award* from JKR after she spoke up about sex and gender got 4 likes for their panel of luminaries

@YWTrust got 22 likes

@EngenderScot did relatively well with 76 for their #MakingWorkVisible effort

But most were from staff of other orgs

@UNWomenUK got 45 likes

Broke the thread ...

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