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Mar 9, 2023, 18 tweets

⚠️#BREAKING: Matt Tiabbi and Michael Shellenberger currently testifying to congress on the #TwitterFiles, the biggest release of social media censorship data to the public.

We get a deep look into social media censorship and governmental agency involvement.

(a LIVE thread)


There has been state sponsored censorship of American citizens.

Intelligence agencies work with other agencies to censor the people.

Psychlogical manipulation used on ISIS is now being used on Americans. /1


Relationship between Twitter and government impacted on both the left and right. It’s an issue that affects all.

Government agencies with quasi-entities were involved in censorship. /2

Corporate Media partook in censorship. They became an arm of the state.

We are in danger of losing our first amendment right. /3

Ms Schulz argued that Matt Tiabbi has benefited from the Twitter files leak.

This has resulted in a significant increase in followers on social media and he benefited financiall due to an increase in subscribers to his Substack. /4

Matt Taibbi said as a journalist you have to balance the importance of the news with the motive of the source.

In this case the news significantly outweighed any possible motive. /5

Importance of getting the news to the American people. /6

Trump’s White House tried to takedown content from Chrissy Teigen.

Matt Taibbi and Schellenberger were not aware. The implication is that the leaks are biased /7

Hamilton 68 received funding from the government.

They recieved over $1 million.

Richard Stindl: Every country does propaganda to its own people. /8

Martin Schellenberger said he didn’t have any request denied by the Twitter team. /9

Twitter was overwhelmed by the requests by the fBI.

You can’t have a state sponsored disinformation project without impeding on free speech.

The truth isn’t mandated. /10

An image of Ye’s post is shown to Matt Taibbi. This along with others have been taken.

Taibbi said it was a difficult question in terms of removal. He quoted “In a free country you have to have freedom to be wrong”. /11

Twitter Biden Laptop

Jim Baker was the main force in Twitter arguing it was Russian infiltration and was disinformation.

Yoel Roth was convinced by him. /12

Matt Gaez: How does it feel you were being targeted by a government document based on your reporting:

Micheal: Chilling, I never thought this would happen in the United States of America. /13

Matt Taibbi: I am motivated to protect the first amendment. The US has the best protection for journalists.

But these actions are a sign that something worse is coming. /14

Conservative thought was curtailed at a factor of 10 to 1.

This means that this policy impacted the right significantly more than the left. /15

A secrete black list was used against doctor and scientists that included epidemiologists from the Great Barrington Declaration.

Dr Bhattscharya didn’t even know he was censored.

East Germany Stassi type behaviour. /16

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