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Mar 10, 2023, 11 tweets

Cannibalism. Remember when J. Seinfeld joked about Jimmy Kimmel eating babies as a requirement to become famous? Guess who is the A-List chef who was hired to ensure it has a digestible taste at a certain restaurant in California that has a private diner room for Hollywood?

Guess who owns the cannibal club in LA? Mark Zuckerberg wife Priscilla Chan. Guess what she uploaded on her Twitter account that she later deleted?

You want to play a part in fighting world hunger? Donate a dead corpse of someone you love and honor their legacy by ensuring political & celebrity figures live to fight another day. They want to make sure the sell by date is good. Some of this is shipped to LA.

Demna Gvasalia, you all know him right? He is the designer of Balenciaga. Did you know he is one of the special guest that attended the the Cannibal club in LA? He likes to upload very sadistic things on his account.

Do you think Anthony Bourdain is the only person into cannibalism? Did you also know Leonardo Decaprio was a frequent guest at this restaurant as well? He has a collection of dead fetuses.

Did you know Marina Abramovic (The Spirit Cooker) is Robert Maxwell child? Did you know Lady Gaga is tye child of M. Abramovic? Why do you think they always attend these parties together?

Who wants to guess what Anthony Bourdain was eating in this picture? Scotland is known for the most notorious cannibals. A clan there ate over 1,000 people. Look up Bennane Cave. Why would Scottish Highlands be a location that intrest A. Bourdain? Just asking a question.

All of the Liberal websites? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Ofcourseeeeeeeee.

What, you thought they were going to confirm it? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. Use your head people. Didn't they do this with the vaccines?

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