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Jul 2 4 tweets 3 min read
Medtronic- Engineering The Extraordinary

The Med-Beds that may have already been developed covertly can realistically be moved from underground via delivery trucks to medical institutions in certain areas with high security. Once there, these Med-Beds could be installed in specialized medical facilities equipped to handle this technology. Highly trained medical professionals would be required to operate and maintain these by ensuring they are used effectively and safely.

The introduction of Med-Beds ofcourse will revolutionize healthcare, offering advanced healing capabilities that traditional medicine cannot match. Patients with chronic illnesses, severe injuries, or other medical conditions could potentially see rapid recovery times and improved outcomes will be 1st priority.

To ensure equitable access, protocols would need to be established for prioritizing patients and integrating this technology into existing healthcare systems. Additionally, comprehensive training programs would be necessary to educate medical staff on the operation and maintenance of Med-Beds.

Security measures would be paramount to protect this valuable technology from misuse or theft. The rollout of Med-Beds could begin in select pilot locations, with data collected to refine the technology and protocols before a broader implementation.

Public awareness campaigns would be essential to inform the population about the capabilities and availability of Med-Beds, addressing any concerns and managing expectations. Collaboration between healthcare providers, and the private sector would be crucial to ensure the successful deployment and integration of Med-Beds into the healthcare system.

There have been several corporations who attempted to take this market for commercial profits by offering homemade Med-Beds for high prices that skirt around the required safety guidelines for the consumer market who would pay for a inferior model that does not hold up to the standards of what is already being used by military and child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Medtronic from what I have been told are contracted to deliver these Med-Beds to military bases. Which is where the children who have been rescued are sent for treatment. This particular truck is said to have been parked at a Ronald McDonald's House. Can not confirm any info but I will get back to you.

But again the reason this has not been officially announced to the general public is because we have a massive clean up coming 1st. So we have a transition period coming up. I covered this in the other post.Image Clarification. A Ronald McDonald's House is a charity for children. This truck appears to be at the one in Columbus Ohio. So in general I can see why this would be the preferred mode of transportation for these devices. And why people have been seeing them predominantly at medical centers. There is another picture I have somewhere in my archives of a state of the art hospital being built that doesn't look like your typical medical center. If I find it I will post.Image
Jun 28 4 tweets 2 min read
The funny thing about the attempted censorship by CNN is that the goal was not to have a cohesive streamlined debate by Donald Trump speaking of anything noteworthy to further promote his campaign.

This was to put Joe Biden directly in the spotlight to show what the American people has been dealing with over the past four years.

And by contrast to D. Trump by default they will vote red because there's nothing for them that would sound viable to speak on at any bar, dinner table or public spaces to support J. Biden.

Which is the underlying point. D. Trump didn't need to do this because we already know it was a landslide last election prior to the economy we have today. Can you imagine how many people switched to D. Trump since then without this debate?

So this will only make it harder for mainstream media to lie about any poll numbers in the future. Because at this point it is so bad you got to be an illegal immigrant to vote blue at this point. This is a prime sign of what we are actually dealing with. And its not the president. This implies such.

Jun 26 5 tweets 1 min read
Image Image
Jun 23 4 tweets 6 min read
Knights of Malta: The Connection

The Knights of Malta’s key spheres of control are Africa and Latin America, and include many dictators such as mass murderer General Pinochet in their ranks.

Latin America designates the set of countries in the Americas where a Romance language (a language derived from Latin) predominates: Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

Thus, it includes Mexico; most of Central and South America; and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.

Leonardo Anthony Leo is a knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Leonard Anthony Leo (born November 1965) is an American lawyer and conservative legal activist. He was the longtime vice president of the Federalist Society and is currently, along with Steven Calabresi, the co-chairman of the organization's board of directors. Leo has been instrumental in building a network of influential conservative legal groups funded mostly by anonymous donors, including The 85 Fund and Concord Fund, which serve as funding hubs for affiliated political nonprofits.

He led campaigns to support the nominations of John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Samuel Alito is Knights of Malta because he was chosen by one.


Knights of Malta Members Include

Samuel Alito, George HW Bush, George W, Bush, Jeb Bush, Prescot Bush Jr., Noam Chomsky, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Edgar Hoover, Nelson & David Rockerfeller, Michael Bloomberg, Nelson Mandela, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch. Etc.

As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it.

Guess what?

They both connected through Satanic Ritual Sacrifice. This is why I brought up the Satanic Temple Abortion Clinic. The Knights of Malta control that. This is why it is still operational.

The Knights of Malta have an ancient history of running drugs and in administering mind altering drugs in their hospitals instead of giving medicine. This ancient activity was carried forth into modern times when their St. Christopher’s hospital in London began giving patients Brompton Mixture until they died. Brompton Mixture consists of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, tranquilizers, and chloroform water. Which is anti life. What is abortion? Anti life.

This is why you all should take a close look at Samuel Alito. Because he was awarded an honorary degree by Catholic University, which has ties to the Knights of Columbus and Opus Dei, both of which have connections to the Knights of Malta.

TST Health's first reproductive health clinic, launched in New Mexico on February 14, 2023. The telehealth clinic provide virtual appointments and guidance for those who wish to participate in TST's Satanic Abortion Ritual in states where abortion has been banned.

I already showed you all the qoute he made to Ted Kennedy. People ask why would he leak Roe vs Wade? Because these sellouts assume that the justices would fold under public scrutiny and change their mind on the decision because we live in a society where everyone wants to be liked instead of respected. This is ABCs people. Why do you think you are clueless to who jurors are on certain high profile cases?

Public pressure is nothing to scoff at if you want to show up to work and walk about in public without being harassed or harmed because of how you voted on something. Do you know how many people have been physically attacked for voting for Donald Trump?

You all need to think about "The Deep State". Because even D. Trump was surprised at how deep it is. For God's sake people Samuel Alito & John Roberts were picked by George Bush. Who was a key player in allowing 9/11 to happen. But by no means the only key player. Rudy Giuliani played his role as well.

But people are still trying to find redeeming qualities in people who helped Joe Biden steal an election in key battleground states like Pennsylvania. I always have a deeper reason behind why I call certain people out. Just because I didn't go into detail the 1st time doesn't mean I do not have the info to do…Image Samuel Alito- Knights of Malta Membership

Jun 19 12 tweets 7 min read
Thread: Can't Chicken Your Way Out of This One

1. Did you all know A chicken was sacrificed, on April 24, 2024, in the facilities of the Senate of the Republic, during a ritual ceremony carried out within the framework of Rain Day, which was promoted by Adolfo Gómez Hernández, legislator from the Morena parliamentary group.

2. Did you all know Animal rights activists in 1996 protest Santeria chicken sacrifices at the main entrance of the Dade County Couthouse in Miami?

3. Did you all know that In ruling against President Donald Trump’s “Muslim travel ban,” a trio of federal judges relied in part on a distinctly South Florida court case — one that granted religious protections for the ritual sacrifice of chickens and goats?

4. Did you all know two operations in the Pico-Robertson area were ordered by the Calif. Department of Food and Agriculture to shut down a traditional Jewish ritual involving slaughtering chickens?

5. Did you know every fall during the Jewish New Year, members of the Orthodox Jewish community gather on the streets of Brooklyn to take part in Kapparot – a ritual that includes the slaughtering of live chickens that is now, perfectly legal since September 2015?

There are many questions I can pose here that may be unfamiliar to you. But we have to cover certain aspects of this topic that flies under the radar. Historically the chicken is a popular sacrifice in African and diaspora and Latin American traditions. Some Gods prefer the chicken as a sacrifice and, in some cases, color and sex are prescribed. Occasionally a chicken is sacrificed as a symbolic stand-in for a person.

For example, if a person is ill or determined to be under attack by spiritual forces, a chicken may be identified as the person and then killed in the place of the human, thus ending the illness or attack. In the Jewish tradition of kapparos, on the day before Yom Kippur, you may transfer your sins into a chicken (or other small animal) and have it sacrificed for your absolution.


Why would this term be important in the context of celebrities being seen in numerous magazine covers? Think about this. The chicken seems to be a good vessel for spirits in general and may be used to draw out an unwanted spirit during exorcisms or be kept nearby during rituals to draw any evil spirits into the chicken so that they leave the people alone. The people being the celebrities in this instance.

These high-quality magazine cover shoots with notable publications that are sold internationally provides a suitable gateway for spiritual purposes as to maximize exposure and creating protection from ethereal forces that insulate public figures can be one reason why so many are seen posing with chickens on these mag-covers.

There are a number of reasons people use chickens.

-They provide healing.

-They provide home protection.

-They provide the ability of prophecy.

-They provide spiritual cleansing.

When you see these pictures with celebs that have chickens think back to the Hilary Clinton e-mails.

Remember that female rapper Azelia Banks? She was caught sacrificing a chicken at home that she had in a closet for years. She uploaded a video where she starts out showing herself wearing goggles talking about the “amount of crap” she is about to clean up.

Of course, any normal human being would think that meant dirty clothes, shopping bags, old shoes, tattered hats, etc. But no, this is Azalea Banks we are talking about.

The Harlem rapper proceeded to put the camera on a horrific scene of dried up blood and feathers splatter across the wall and floor of the closet. She then pulls out a sandblaster and gets to work.

“Real witches do real things,” she said. This may make any rapper think twice about getting into any beef with Banks, she clearly plays by a different set of rules. End qoute.

Now do you see the motive behind why most of your most famous celebrities are seen with chickens? Let's take a look at a series of covers with your most beloved.

Shall we.Image Jenna Tatum

Ed Sheran

Johnathan Knight


Nicole Kidman

Vanessa Hudgens Image
Jun 17 17 tweets 9 min read
Thread: Celebrity Child Sex Crimes

Victor Marke and Zara Phythian - who appeared in Doctor Strange with Benedict Cumberbatch - are charged with repeatedly having sex with the girl, starting when she was 13 years old. Image An actor who has reportedly appeared The Young and the Restless and God Is Dead was arrested in October in Georgia for allegedly molesting a girl younger than 10 years old, People confirms.

Corey Sligh was arrested on Oct. 14 and charged with child molestation, a spokesman with Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia tells People. He posted $22,000 bail and was released the same day.

The spokesman says Sligh knew the victim and that the “incident occurred in the spring.”Image
Jun 16 15 tweets 7 min read
Thread: Celebrity Men Who Dated Təən(age)rs

Jerry Seinfeld

Back in 1993, Jerry Seinfeld had just won an Emmy for his groundbreaking sitcom Seinfeld when he met 17-year-old high school student Shoshanna Lonstein in New York’s Central Park (she turned 18 shortly after they started dating).Image Jerry Lee Lewis

Rock ’n’ roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis’ divorce (his second) wasn’t even finalized when he got hitched again — to his 13-year-old third cousin, Myra Gale Brown, who reportedly still believed in Santa Claus when they wed in 1957. Image
Jun 5 9 tweets 2 min read
Pictures tell the whole story. Pay attention. Image Image
May 19 6 tweets 3 min read
Looks like we are about to get that "Royal Flush".

We now have the king.

We now have the queen.

The jack is in play with a 10 all in the same suit.

Who's on the chopping block?

People this is like the equivalent of the Marvel's comic Thanos & Lady Death coming together at an inaugural ball.

The Judges now have official global reach on every end of the planet. There is no one they can not touch. Today's event was decades in the making.

This is like the end of the world for a lot of people on the wrong side of the law.

@emilygabswell said it best.

"Lugard, the Olore - ebi of OMATEYE royalty of Warri, is directly related to Olu Agiame Atuwatse III"s cousin, confirming that both the Olu's cousin and Lugard are royalty all over".

People things are about to get real. We are heading towards rocky terrain. But everything that was in a holding pattern can now move forward thanks to what was a long time coming for the event that happened today.

The Real Dark Judge is a military intelligence. Warri Kingdom. They control both the servers on Gab & Twitter/X. They are ome of the main reasons why this account is untouchable.

Attacks? Yes.

Shadow Bans? Yes.

Throttling? Yes.

Suspensions? Never.

May 18th is a historic day. Today things are now official and in the books. People you do know the Olu of Warri is in Twitter/X right now right? @Lord_Of_Warri. Please follow the links I post. These are some extremely powerful people.

This is not a scam, fluke, or circus act. They told you all months in advance that today was going to happen. Now it is here. This is where things will get interesting now. So all of you keyboard warriors who kept attacking me and the Judges.

I will say this. They do not play fair. Ask Steve Mitnik. Oh' sorry you can't he's dead already. ☠️

I suggest you all refrain from what you are doing. Michael Flynn knows exactly who these people are. So I suggest you consult with him on how to best proceed moving forward.

80,000? 🤣 One phone call to D. Trump will put that on a permanent pause.
May 18 4 tweets 4 min read
This store is in New Orleans Calliope Projects. This is where I used to do my dirt. I got shot at here and a bullet brushed my lower calf but still left a wound/scar. I was attempting to sale my 1st bag. My grandmother lived here. My cousins as well.

I sold weed. Ecstasy. And tried to move up the ladder to other things. My friend Carl Williams (RIP) was killed around here last I heard. Not sure it was this specific location. But it was definitely in the Calliope P. I grew up in the raw, rough, and rugged side of life. But I made it out.

So ofcourse as you all know my blunt style of writing comes from facing the worst things growing up here. My brother still doing time in federal. My other friend ain't never getting out. My father never wanted me hanging around my brother. Due to his lifestyle choice to run the streets.

What I did was to get by while in school. Never intended to make a career out of it. I just wanted some lunch money in my pocket. I always gave my homies money. Some of them Niggas was wearing my outfits before I even put them on myself.

And I was still betrayed by one of them. But I seen it coming. I just cut him off without any drama. I remember my father told me that my brother had 900 people on file working for him in multiple states. So he was moving some real weight.

Me, I was just moving from job to job once I got out of high school. I was all over New Orleans. Holly Grove was my favorite spot. Which is where rapper Lil Wayne is from. But I only met him when I was going to Fannie C. Williams middle school on Bullard right across from East Over where Birdman from "Cash Money" used to stay.

That's where I tried to perform my 1st freestyle in front of them. They was laughing at my shit and told me to keep writing. And I did for a short while. Some of you already seen my old rap lyrics. Anyway I just wanted to give you all a brief glimpse into who I am.

So please do not presume some vanilla wafers on the internet is going to talk tough and scare anything over here because they assume I was raised like Carlton Banks or Eddie Winslow because I know how to write.

Look up my old address. 14600 Beekman Rd. Off Morrison. It's currently the deadliest place in New Orleans East and people barely live there. It was worse before Hurricane Katrina. Think about that.Image People if you want to know the reason I was shot at. All you have to do is watch this short clip from the wire. It explains everything without me saying anything. Just picture me as Bodie in this situation. 🤣

May 5 4 tweets 5 min read
The 2nd Declaration of Independence: Signed July 4th 2020

Preface- We are under COG/JAG. Which means this transition period leaves us with no official government old/new at this current time. Washington DC was declared occupied territory. Which is why that long fence was put around it.

Derrick Johnson is not the owner of this info. Which means without him in the picture this will still be accurate. If he disappeared for unforseen reasons or circumstances it will not change anything.

He is merely a messenger. This is not a personality contest. So whatever antics he is caught up in with whomever that portrays him in any unsavory light does not undo or make perfect anything he says on this subject of military provision we are under.

The type of info you get for him whether you believe it's true/false will not be confirmed to be true/false in any media outside of the fact-checkers who work or is employed to sustain the status quo.

This means we have to stop looking for legacy media to prove false/true anything regarding a system that is not under the US 1871 Corp that their media platforms are based on maintaining in terms of conventional politics.

When Donald Trump was asked was he president under oath back in 2021. His answer was no. Which was appropriate and pertinent as to why he gave that answer.

Nancy Drew has shown us plenty of videos with Washington DC being a ghost town since 2020.

Richard Citizen Journalists showed us countless videos of Washington DC being a ghost town.

The Judges have told us on many occasions that Washington DC is a ghost town.

My followers who live in Washington DC have posted videos of Washington DC being a ghost town.


Because when Donald Trump officially signed the 2nd Declaration of Independence on July 4th he formerly announced in writing that we have moved away from the 1871 Corp Act.

Below is an excerpt from that documentation.

1. The inevitable Civil War destroyed America’s economy, ripped families apart, and cast a questionable shadow on the future of a once promising nation. America was in trouble financially, and needed a massive infusion of capitol to get back to its feet.

2. A cabal of nation-building venture capitals, from Europe, agreed to finance America’s recovery, but demanded an active role in government to ensure their investment. In 1871, mired in debt, Congress worked out a partnership. In exchange for boundless financial support, the foreign investors handle America’s administrative needs.

3. Although initially it seemed to be an innocuous concession, the consequences of allowing the nation-building venture capitalists to conduct America’s business beyond the protections of the U.S. Constitution proved catastrophic. The investors quickly embedded OPERATIONS throughout the foreign-owned corporate government, and Washington D.C. began serving the interests of America’s financier’s over THE PEOPLE. In 1871, America effectively lost its independence, and the nation-building venture capitalists became our new masters.

4. By the early 1900’s, the foreign investors that bankrolled America controlled the major newspapers and news services, enabling them to shape what is reported and how it is to be framed. They had to cover their tracks, before being exposed and repudiated by THE PEOPLE.

5. The nation-building venture capitalists, worked to soften America’s imperturbable
elevated system of government. The founders had formed a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy specifically to prevent citizens in the majority from oppressing those in the minority. By doing what is best for their District (or State), rather than enforce the majority will, representatives serve all citizens equally, eliminating the noise, division, and violence intrinsic to Democracies. Being in control of the narrative,the foreign investors ingenious promoted the fallacy that America is a Democracy trusting that the deception would lead to unrest and chaos that world make America vulnerable, creating additional opportunities for infiltration and manipulation.

6. In 1913, the foreign investors established the Anti-Defamation League, to slander anyone who exposed them, and their infiltration into American politics.

7. In 1913, by the way of the 16th Amendment, the foreign investors were granted the authority to tax the American people directly, something expressly prohibited by the original Constitution.

That THE PEOPLE would willingly subject themselves to forced confiscation of their property (their labor) is illogical, putting the legitimacy of ratification in question.

8. In 1913, by way of the 17th Amendment, the foreign investors breached an important safeguard that protected our Constitution Republic form infiltration of
enemy forces. Previously, Senators were “Statesmen” appointed by the respective State Legislatures, as a check on the House of Representatives, raiding the public treasury, Henceforth. Senators would run as glorified House Representatives, reduced to promising “free” public money and services for votes. The authenticity of ratification is unlikely because the State Legislatures would not willingly surrender their authority to bridle the appetite of THE PEOPLE’s house not would they accede to transfer more power to the Federal Government, opening yet another door for the international bankers, to buy the influence they need, to further their grip on America.

There are about 21 of these bullet points not posted. I'll upload the rest below or in a new post. I posted this because the question posed to D. Trump asking him was he still president and replying no was the best answer he could have gave. After reading this you should understand why.

Goodnight. Remember this post? Image
Mar 21 5 tweets 5 min read
• Laboratories

• Tunnels

• Prisons

• Anti Gravity Speed Rails

• Military Facilities

• Meeting Rooms

• Kitchens

This illustration can give you a scale and idea of what goes on underneath Washington DC.

The underground spaces are used to house a large array of sensitive documents and information, including classified materials and national security secrets.

You can better understand the footage of those children being escorted out of the White House a few years ago by what appeared to be secret services in the middle of the night.

Our government officials have been living alternative lives down there. All of this info will eventually be revealed to the general public. They will have no forewarning. They will wake up and realize everything has changed.

Ofcourse when you look at images such as this you can also add the Getty museum. You can add the Statute of Liberty. Or even the Denver airport.

Because they all share the same purpose regarding these underground systems that are even connected to areas we would consider remote secluded areas you think are not populated. That's only because you are looking at the surface.Image This is the reason I bring this up. Do you remember back in 2004 when the White House was trying to block a publication of images that revealed secret underground facilities? The photos were released by online entertainment network @lantisTV.

The photo, taken from an undisclosed location last February (2004), captured a massive excavation beneath the U.S. Capitol. Officially, the site was being built to house a brand-new underground visitor’s center. But we know much more than that was going on. I think I have that photo. I will post it once I go through my archives.

But this is something that did not make headlines. One person even said that they think something nefarious was going on.

Quote" “They’re digging up the National Mall, looking for something,” said one exasperated U.S. Senator from a large industrial state who requested anonymity. “They’ve been at it for years, all under the guise of ‘renovations’ for the monuments or ‘security upgrades.’ Let me tell you, at this point there’s more to see of Washington, D.C., under the Mall than above ground. Talk about a shadow government. I think it’s a horrific abuse of taxpayer money.” End quote.

People do you see how things have been kept from us? Trillions of dollars went underground of your tax money towards black projects and genetic expiraments to create monstrosities beyond our comprehension. Ofcourse there are more then 132 of these types of tunnel systems spread throughout the entire country connected to places like Canadian and Antarctica.
Mar 18 5 tweets 2 min read
Charli_XCX is in "The Club".

(@charli_xcx) Image This is her from her own page. Image
Mar 16 8 tweets 3 min read
Have you all noticed this?

Robert F. Kennedy is either taking pictures with people that were on Epstein Island. People who are communist. People who supported the vaccine mandates. People who supported the climate agenda. Or people who outright can not stand Donald Trump.

What's that ole' saying again? "Birds of a feather.....?Image Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger said..."F Your Freedoms"? Image
Mar 11 5 tweets 4 min read
🤣 Grok coming out swinging today. I told you all. This was why he created his grifting campaigns. He didn't start going on tours until those EOs were signed. Why didn't Michael Flynn sue all these publications that reported on his foreign payments from Russia? I have about 15 links talking about this.

I told you all those EOs affected M. Flynn to. That is why he has monetized everything. Now I see why Donald Trump fired him in under 30 days. EO 13818 is doing its job.

Is everybody lying M. Flynn? 🤣

Mar 10 9 tweets 3 min read
People, someone wants to communicate with you. Are you listening? The succession of these post from is not by any means a coincidence.

Not convinced? Ok, let's upload a few more.
Hey, look what I found. Image
Mar 7 4 tweets 2 min read




🄴🄽🄹🄾🅈 🅃🄷🄴 🅁🄴🅂🅃 🄾🄵 🅈🄾🅄🅁 🄳🄰🅈. 😊 This is one person you may want to consult with about this issue. I know of a few people but she is just a click away. She hasn't filed taxes in almost 25 years. Check her out.

@LegalFockery Image
Mar 4 4 tweets 3 min read
Important: 🚨 The Life-Like Latex Mask

"By 1991, the department was developing remarkably life-like latex masks and Mendez was eager to deploy their sophisticated new spy technology where it was needed the most – Soviet Russia".

But first, Mendez needed to prove her deceits would work under the most perilous conditions.

So, she arranged the ultimate test.

Could she fool White House security and the President of the United States himself?

For everyone who think these mask were/are being used to spy on the countries are fooling themselves. Do you know how advanced these mask are today if they were able to produce indistinguishable ones way back in 1991? All you have to do is look at the images below. This you will understand why many who you think are alive are most likely dead. The proof is coming out everyday now.…Image The Mask- Image
Feb 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Skye Prince put out an alert on her Facebook page that these were the Med-Beds available to the public and that you should book an appointment immediately. 🤣 Image The prop/picture cryopod was from the 2016 movie "Passengers".
Feb 2 5 tweets 3 min read
Dom Lucre: The Downfall

People, do you need me to say anything?

Have I shown you enough as to how this game is played?

Do you remember the pictures with Dom Lucre and Roger Stone?

This is how the military industrial complex works.

They get behind and support certain platforms they think they can use to silence smaller accounts.

This is how they are able to get these shows.

I do not follow none of these channels. Guess what?

All of them followed mine's.

What does that tell you?

Dom Lucre recently unfollowed me. (For obvious reasons)

M. Flynn is trying to gather all of the "Social Media Influencers" in the MAGA movement to control the info flow.

Do not be surprised when Dom Lucre will be tasked at attacking this channel when the word is given. He chose his team.

@AJhsheilaImage Roger Stone was on Jeffrey Epstein.

Roger Stone was apart of the Jan 6th set-up.

Roger Stone is directly connected to Keith Renier.

Do you see what we are dealing with now?

Once you start mingling with this circle it's basically over for you. Image
Jan 28 5 tweets 2 min read
Kari Lake remember when you attended the Drag- themed baby shower?

Do you remember when you invited a Drag Queen to perform for your birthday while children were present?

Do you remember you were kicked out of a Drag Queen bar because you were too intoxicated?

Do you remember when you started ignoring calls from your Drag Queen friend Barbra Seville once you switched over to "The Maga Movement" so you could hide that you are actually a liberal?Image Another Drag Queen picture. 🤭 Image