Reserve Profile picture
A permissionless platform to launch and govern 1:1 asset-backed currencies.

Mar 10, 2023, 12 tweets


The #ETHDenver2023 report πŸ”₯

18 members of the protocol team (including engineering, biz dev, legal, design, film, someone called Nevin) gathered for:

- On-site planning
- Reserve Hackathon
- Speaking at ETHDenver
- 2 after-hour hosted events
- Meetings w/ other teams


We think we've built something the world truly needs and enjoyed coming together IRL to explore what comes next... πŸ‘Œ

And in a world partly re-organized around remote working, it's a reminder of the importance of being in person sometimes.


Taylor is mapping out a unique RToken idea in the above picture, but at some point on Tuesday one of the boards looked like this...

As these entries take focus, we'll be sharing them here and in depth on Discord πŸ‘‰


Wednesday, Part 1: Hackathon

Wait for the fruit to bloom on this one, as it's led to some developments that will come into reality pretty soon πŸ”₯

Seamlessly organized by @larrythecumber, and special thanks to @0xJMG for bringing the exact right people into the room 🀝


Wednesday Part 2: We joined @fraxfinance, @FlywheelDeFi, and @reflexerfinance for a night of #ETHDenver decompression with fellow stablecoin maxis!

With some similar aims across our projects, getting to see our communities mix, cross-pollinate ideas and chill was πŸ”₯


Stay warm Denver! In the first few days of #EthDenver2023, we handed out hundreds of beaniesπŸ”₯

All around the city, you saw them - on the streets, on Uber drivers, at the conference...

(Almost) all were given to people who shared the values and appreciated the mission.


Thursday, the team hit #EthDenver2023 fully, not least to see @0xJMG speaking with @jackchong_jc on how and why asset backed currency is taking shape as one of the strengths crypto can offer the world.

Speaking of which... πŸ‘‰


VIDEO: @jackchong_jc and @0xJMG speak on The Asset Backed Currency Revolution at #ETHDenver2023 πŸ”₯

Jack, author of The Unreal Primer on Real World Assets, and James, Head of Ecosystem at Reserve, dig deep for 30 minutes on what's coming next:



Friday, we gathered with @StruckCrypto, @shardeum, and @moby_app for talks and drinks with the crypto crowd πŸŽ‰

Teams with plenty in common, getting to talk to each other in person - as well as toast the launch of $eUSD with @moby_app βœ…


Things to mention...

- We don't speak much about governance (yet), but there's a whole other arm of Reserve working on this millennia-old problem

- The fantastic Curve ecosystem folks holding a livestream Llama Party with @mattimost


And not to forget...

- @taylo_r_ casually blowing our minds with an unconsidered RToken...

- Everyone seems to know @Naan_Fungible!

- @larrythecumber's secret personal superpower is "play any sport at pro level"

- a surprise concert from @polyphia πŸ”₯


So far we have...

built massive pathways in Latin America,
designed the protocol,
evolved it into a platform,
set it free after the fifth audit,
and seen the first RToken launched.

The year is young with more to come...

Join the conservation πŸ‘‰

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