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Founded Shadow & Act LLC, 2009. Sold to Blavity Inc, 2017. Staff writer at IndieWire 2018-2022. Now building @akorokoafrica. WE'RE FUNDRAISING! Link below.

Mar 10, 2023, 7 tweets

Catching up on EFM panels I missed in Berlin in Feb. Thankful they were taped. Watching "Prime Video: International Content Strategy from Nordics to Nigeria" hoping to learn something about Amazon's Nigeria plans. Wangi Mba-Uzoukwu Head of Nigerian Originals, is on the panel...

Wangi on what she looks for in projects: "Light" stories; stay away from the dark material. Leaning more towards films than TV because TV is "a bit more technical." She wouldn't mind historical fiction, but they tend to be expensive, so don't expect epic productions. #Nollywood

Wangi on their target audience: Must appeal to local customers (Nigerians in Nigeria), but the work should also capture the Nigerian diaspora, and, third, non-Nigerian lovers of Nollywood content. Local content will be king to @primevideonaija and international will support it.

@primevideonaija She hypes GANGS OF LAGOS, adding that it's launching "Very, very soon... it's about to come," she said. She describes it as "a different take on action" because it's "hyperlocal" (language, location, choice of weapons, etc). And that there's an "emotional story" bolstering it.

She says their ambition is to get to 12 to 15 "full blown" Nigerian originals — film and TV (scripted and unscripted) "down the line." She doesn't get too specific. For now, it's acquisitions of existing titles. She's impressed with what they've been getting on the film side.

Finally, her pitch to Nigerian talent to come create for Prime.

Wangi: It's a partnership. "Let's go on this journey together and see what we can accomplish." She stresses "hyperlocal" as a draw. Plus, she's been in the biz long enough, has a rep, and already knows who's who.

Forgot one thing... she said, if you're pitching them, keep it short and simple: a logline, and a one-page outline of what you are pitching. She refers to a "handholding" process courtesy of her team, that will "bring it to wherever it's going." Alright, that's it!

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