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Founder of Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience.

Mar 10, 2023, 8 tweets

Ivermectin: The Truth – From Legendary Filmmaker Mikki Willis (@Plandemic3Movie)

"There's a little-known federal law that says, 'You cannot give an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if there is any medication approved for any purpose that is shown effective against the……

@DelBigtree: "The suppression of this drug is one of the greatest stories of our lifetime, and we're not going to let it go."

Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore): "It won the friggin' Nobel Prize for human medicine, and it's on the WHO list of essential medicines — but Fauci just made everybody watching that show think it was a dangerous medicine."

@drpaulmarik1: "After penicillin, this is probably the most important medication ever developed by the medical science."

"You're more likely to die from aspirin or Tylenol than taking ivermectin."

Drug Adverse Reactions Per Year Resulting in Death:

• Ivermectin - 15
• HCQ - 69
• Flu Vaccine - 77
• Dexamethasone - 618
• Remdesivir - 921
• Tylenol - 1024
• COVID Vaccine - 20,175

• Discovered on a golf course in Japan
• Has brought river blindness to the brink of elimination
• Won the Nobel prize in 2015
• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health
• Over 3.7B doses

@RobertKennedyJr: "If Tony Fauci or anybody had admitted that hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin are effective against COVID, it would have been illegal for them to give the emergency use authorization to the vaccines, and they could have never gotten them approved."

Many thanks to Mikki Willis (@Plandemic3Movie) for making such a brilliant short film. He's got another one in the works – Plandemic 3 – so be sure to give him a follow for updates on that.

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