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Founder of Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience.
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Mar 24 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
RFK Jr. once said, “We have a food system that enriches corporations while making Americans sick.”

Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Pharma have turned every American into an ATM machine.

Your pain is their profit. But you don’t have to be their victim...

Break the cycle. Follow these 20 𝕏 accounts to uncover what they never wanted you to know about your health.

🧵 THREADImage 1.) Dr. Pierre Kory (@PierreKory)

Dr. Pierre Kory was one of the most fearless voices during the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing ivermectin into the spotlight and challenging the safety of the shots.

Today, he’s a leading pioneer in treating vaccine injuries—and he’s speaking out about other “forbidden” therapeutics that Big Pharma hopes you never hear about.

Mar 23 • 17 tweets • 11 min read
10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried This Week

#10 – ‘Measles Death’ of 6-Year-Old Girl Exposed as a Media HOAX

The media claimed a 6-year-old girl died of measles, but “she did not die of measles by any stretch of the imagination,” Dr. Pierre Kory says.

“In fact, she died of pneumonia. But it gets worse than that because she didn’t really die of pneumonia. She died of a MEDICAL ERROR.”

Let that sink in.

What happened was a complete breakdown in basic medical care. The hospital failed to give her the appropriate antibiotic regimen to treat her pneumonia. By the time they corrected their mistake, it was too late, and the girl died “catastrophically.”

“I mean, this is like medicine 101. You put them on two antibiotics to cover all the possibilities. It’s a grievous error, and it’s an error which led to her death,” Dr. Kory attested.

Not only did Covenant Children’s Hospital fail to provide the appropriate antibiotic, but when they noticed their error, they dragged their feet and took another 10 hours to administer it.

“By that time, she was already on a ventilator. And approximately 24 hours later—actually, less than 24 hours later—she died,” Dr. Kory explained.

And she did not pass away peacefully. According to Dr. Kory, “She died rather catastrophically.”

And while her family grieved, the media hijacked her death to stir fear and push the vaccine narrative. Just another “measles death” used as a political weapon.

This is a case Dr. Pierre Kory calls “absolutely enraging.”

And it is. Just another example of how the media will shamelessly twist the story of a grieving family’s loss to push Big Pharma’s agenda. That’s not just dishonest. That’s evil, plain and simple.

Follow @ChildrensHD for the full interview and more details on this enraging story.

(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below) #9 - Bill Maher guest calls out Fauci’s ridiculous pardon, saying, “There’s a reason he was given a pardon back to 2014.”

“There is something very wrong going on here.”

“Everyone knew it [gain-of-function research] was dangerous a long time ago. You go back to 2015, you will find a big meeting in London where they say there’s one lab in the world most likely to have a problem with this—Wuhan. Do you know who was the biggest supporter of gain of function research for the last 30 years? Anthony Fauci.”

It turns out that in 2014, 300 scientists warned Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic.

RFK Jr. previously explained that following the high-profile escape of three bugs from U.S. labs, these 300 scientists sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to shut down Anthony Fauci's gain-of-function research.

Obama issued a moratorium and shut down 18 of the worst projects by Anthony Fauci. In the end, he really didn't shut them down. Instead, Obama moved the research offshore to places like Ukraine, the former Soviet State of Georgia, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.

Now, it is widely accepted that COVID-19 originated from that very lab in Wuhan, China. The 300 scientists were right when they said Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic.
Mar 21 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
RFK Jr. Issues Grave Vaccination Warning

HHS Secretary Kennedy just upended the bird flu vaccine narrative, revealing a disturbing reality authorities are trying to hide. Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

🧵 THREAD Image The USDA wants to vaccinate millions of chickens to stop the bird flu. They claim it’s the ultimate solution, but not everyone’s convinced. RFK Jr., for one, is sounding the alarm.

He’s worried about a big problem: “leaky vaccines.” Image
Mar 20 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Newsmax Uncovers the Conspiracy Buried in the JFK Files

This is a CIA agent’s own words before he was found dead.

🧵 THREAD Image Newsmax’s Rob Finnerty has introduced a bombshell revelation hidden within the newly released JFK files—one that raises serious questions about a likely CIA cover-up.
Mar 19 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Elon Musk Drops a Bombshell on Biden’s Role in Astronaut Crisis

Every American should be outraged by this.

🧵 THREAD Image Great news! After an unexpected nine-month ordeal in space, astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are finally back on solid ground—and they weren’t alone.

They returned alongside NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov, all of whom splashed down off the coast of Florida aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon.

Originally, Butch and Suni were only supposed to spend eight days on the International Space Station, but a catastrophic failure with Boeing’s Starliner capsule turned it into a 270-day nightmare. Instead of a quick mission, they were left in limbo, uncertain when—or how—they’d make it home.

In the end, SpaceX stepped in and got the job done. Here’s a quick video of the crew safely returning to Earth, splashing down off the coast of Flordia.
Mar 18 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Elon Musk Exposes the System Keeping Government Fraud Alive

Now, it all makes sense.

🧵 THREAD Image Elon Musk just pulled back the curtain on what’s really fueling government waste and fraud. Speaking with Senator Ted Cruz, he revealed there are at least 14 “magic money computers” that can “send money out of nothing,” meaning these government systems are issuing trillions in payments with little oversight or real-time accountability.

Musk explained that these computers don’t operate in a way where they “talk to each other.” Instead, Musk explained they function in a way that allows money to move through government agencies unchecked, sometimes in ways that don’t align with official records.

The numbers lawmakers see aren’t always accurate, with government books potentially off by 5% to 10%. That could mean up to hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars are misallocated or disappearing, while the actual financial activity remains hidden deep inside these systems.

“So you may think that the government computers all talk to each other. They synchronize, they add up what funds are going somewhere, and it’s coherent that the numbers, for example, that you’re presented as a senator are actually the real numbers. They’re not,” Musk explained.

“They’re not totally wrong,” he continued. “They’re probably off by 5% or 10% in some cases. So I call it Magic Money Computer. Any computer which can just make money out of thin air. That’s Magic Money.”

“So how does that work?” Ted Cruz asked.

“It just issues payments,” Musk answered. “I think we found now 14 magic money computers. They just send money out of nothing.”
Mar 17 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun

Is everything we’ve been told one big fat lie? The answer seems to be a resounding yes.

While the public is constantly told to avoid the sun to prevent skin cancer, what they’re not telling you is that sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body.

Everything you’ve been told is upside down. Keep reading—the truth will shock you. 🧵 Avoiding the Sun is More Dangerous Than Sun Exposure

A 20-year study of nearly 30,000 Swedish women found that those who avoided the sun had a 60% higher risk of death than those who regularly got sunlight. Even more shocking, non-smokers who avoided the sun had the same mortality risk as smokers who got sun exposure.

This blows apart the mainstream claim that sun exposure is inherently dangerous. In reality, avoiding sunlight may be one of the most harmful public health recommendations ever made.Image
Mar 15 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Top Doctor Exposes the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVID

1 in 12 Americans take this drug, yet most have no idea about its hidden dangers.

🧵 THREAD “It’s impossible to talk about COVID without looking at our health care system. And our health care system is a hoax,” declared Dr. Paul Marik, who is the second-most-published critical care physician in the world, to a packed audience at the Florida COVID summit. Image
Mar 12 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Flu Vaccine Exposed: The Shocking NIH Discovery They Don’t Want You to Know

“This might blow your mind.”

🧵 THREAD Image Two decades ago, CBS aired a bombshell report on the flu shot, revealing a truth that health officials didn’t want to admit. Despite flu shot uptake among seniors skyrocketing from 15% to 65%, flu deaths continued to climb. Image
Mar 11 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
RFK Jr. Exposes a Truth That Could Bankrupt the Antidepressant Industry

40% of American teenagers now struggle with anxiety or depression, but Big Pharma is hiding the real reason why.

🧵 THREAD Image RFK Jr. is pulling back the curtain on a reality that could shake the pharmaceutical industry to its core: mental health isn’t just about brain chemistry—it’s about what we eat.
Mar 10 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
This Simple Routine Slashes Your Risk of Cancer by 60%

If it were a pharmaceutical breakthrough, it would dominate headlines and rake in hundreds of billions of dollars. But here’s the thing: it’s not a drug.

🧵 THREAD Image Want to know what that simple routine is? It’s getting regular sunlight, eating fish, and engaging in moderate exercise, in simple terms.

This discovery comes straight from a randomized controlled trial published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Aging.Image
Mar 10 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This is absolutely mind-blowing.

A simple routine of getting sunshine, eating fish, and moderate exercise can slash your cancer risk by 60%.

If this were a pharmaceutical drug, it would dominate headlines and make hundreds of billions of dollars.

But because it doesn’t pad Big Pharma’s pockets, mainstream outlets won’t say a word.

This discovery came from a randomized controlled trial published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Aging.

Listen to @JanJekielek and @RWMaloneMD discuss, followed by full commentary from Dr. Paul Marik. Watch the Full Video:

The Vitamin D Miracle Supplement…
Mar 3 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
MIND-BLOWING: Just 7,000 politically connected NGOs are hoarding 90% of all taxpayer money meant for nonprofits.

Roughly $300 billion in government money flows to nonprofits every year—with zero transparency on where that money actually goes.

Elon Musk recently told Joe Rogan that NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are among the biggest scams ever.

That’s because taxpayer-funded NGOs act as a loophole to funnel billions into shadowy, unaccountable organizations—doing things that would be illegal if carried out directly by the government itself.

@DataRepublican (who’s featured in this clip) previously reported that the “Uniparty” is actually a network of NGOs partially funded by your tax dollars.

And the one thing they all have in common is that they claim to promote “democracy.”

According to her investigation, seven NGOs—heavily backed by USAID and the U.S. State Department—serve as the Uniparty’s enforcement arm, pushing propaganda under the guise of “protecting democracy.”

These groups, originally formed during the Cold War, have shifted their mission from spreading democracy abroad to protecting their own power—redefining “democracy” to mean preserving themselves.

Or, as Musk puts it, a threat to “democracy” really means a threat to the bureaucracy. Watch the full interview with the amazing @DataRepublican below:

Mar 2 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried This Week

#10 - @DataRepublican blows the lid off $17 million “democracy” scam.

The data scientist revealed that “States United Democracy Center,” an NGO co-founded by Norm Eisen, received $17M—and “the only thing they did with $17M was make a terrible muppet show.”

“That’s (explicit word)!” she exclaimed.

“They got money, and they did something with that. It was just awful. Jim Henson would roll in his grave. And it was weird because all the videos have less than 200 views,” DataRepublican explained.

“They didn’t even try to promote them with ads or anything. So where did the $17 million go?” She asked.

Shortly after this interview aired, @DataRepublican revealed she was doxxed in a viral post on X.

After being doxxed, DataRepublican shared more details about herself to take back control of the narrative. She revealed her real name as Jennica Pounds, a 100% Deaf and nonverbal database kernel engineer with expressive dysphasia related to autism.

Pounds recently walked away from her role as a senior software engineer to pursue DOGE-adjacent efforts full-time, aiming to work with the administration to cut waste and improve government efficiency.

Her work—now centered around a powerful searchable database at—reveals the hidden connections between government grants and NGOs, exposing billions in wasteful spending.

Pounds’ work has been praised by prominent figures like Elon Musk, with her interviews drawing massive viewership on podcasts with Nicole Shanahan, Glenn Beck, and NewsNation.

We’re pleased to welcome the woman tearing up the roots of the entire corrupt system.

Watch as @DataRepublican exposes some of the government's darkest secrets in our exclusive interview.

(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below) #9 - Persuasion Expert Bets His Career on Shocking COVID Claim

This might be the ultimate “told you so” moment for the “conspiracy theorists.”

JOE ROGAN: “Do you think that someone sat in a room and that people discussed the best ways to get people to comply?”

CHASE HUGHES: “Yes. Oh, yes. I would bet my career because it was executed following textbook protocol.”

Hughes explained that the key sign of a psyop is “if the opinion that’s coming out needs people to be silenced.”

“So if you can’t question it—if you’re supposed to just go along, it’s a psyop,” Hughes reiterated.

During COVID, terms like “disinformation” and “misinformation” flooded the airwaves, but those terms were often weaponized to discredit voices and opinions the government didn’t like.

Doctors like Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, respected scientists at Stanford and Harvard, were silenced simply for challenging lockdowns through the Great Barrington Declaration.

“And it was openly discussed in emails,” Rogan pointed out.

“That’s what’s really crazy. They talked about the strategy of silencing these people, and then you had the actual government itself contacting Twitter, trying to get people removed, which is wild.”

They even went as far as to write headlines like “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary” (LA Times).

“My hope is that people have learned from this past four years and that this is an eye-opener,” Rogan said.
Mar 1 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Elon Musk Exposes the “Biggest Scam Ever”

“I thought it would be bad, but I did not think it would be as bad as this.”

🧵 THREAD Image Elon Musk just exposed what he calls the “biggest scam” in U.S. history during his viral appearance on episode #2281 of The Joe Rogan Experience.

The focus of the conversation was government waste and abuse—and Musk had plenty to say.

Musk quickly dropped a shocker when he revealed that the government handed the Navy $12 billion to build new submarines—and not a single submarine was built.

When lawmakers asked where the money went, Navy officials shrugged and said they had no idea—a revelation Musk heard firsthand from Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine).

“There’s a case where I think Senator Collins was telling me about how she gave the Navy $12 billion for more submarines, got no extra submarines, and then held a hearing to say where the $12 billion go.

“And they were like, we don’t know. That was it. I mean, basically, stuff is so crazy. Only the federal government could get away with this level of waste,” Musk said.
Feb 25 • 17 tweets • 8 min read
10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried Today

#10 - Persuasion expert bets his career on the COVID response being a full-blown psyop.

JOE ROGAN: “Do you think that someone sat in a room and that people discussed the best ways to get people to comply?”

CHASE HUGHES: “Yes. Oh, yes. I would bet my career because it was executed following textbook protocol.”

Hughes explained that the key sign of a psyop is “if the opinion that’s coming out needs people to be silenced.”

“So if you can’t question it—if you’re supposed to just go along, it’s a psyop,” Hughes reiterated.

During COVID, terms like “disinformation” and “misinformation” flooded the airwaves, but those terms were often weaponized to discredit voices and opinions the government didn’t like.

Doctors like Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, respected scientists at Stanford and Harvard, were silenced simply for challenging lockdowns through the Great Barrington Declaration.

“And it was openly discussed in emails,” Rogan pointed out.

“That’s what’s really crazy. They talked about the strategy of silencing these people, and then you had the actual government itself contacting Twitter, trying to get people removed, which is wild.”

They even went as far as to write headlines like “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary” (LA Times).

“My hope is that people have learned from this past four years and that this is an eye-opener,” Rogan said.

(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below) #9 - @DataRepublican stuns Glenn Beck with a blunt explanation of how the shadow government subverts the will of the people.

“They’re offended [by DOGE] because their power depends on people not knowing what they’re doing with [our] money.

“And so that is truly censorship. Because I think if actual Americans understood what they were doing with our money and that they were actually setting up their own government and actually ignoring what real people wanted to do, oh, we would be so upset.

“Because the reality is that these people have a government unto themselves that they’ve created with these NGOs that they run separately from us.

“And the reason I’m doing this interview is because I want to promote the knowledge to the public that these people operate in different vocabulary, with different rules, and they have made their own government inside ours with our money.”

Nobody’s ever broken it down like this before. Data Republican just pulled back the curtain—and it’s worse than we thought.
Feb 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
REPORT: The Department of Education just got BUSTED running a rogue “sanctuary program” for illegal immigrants while hiding secrets from DOGE and Congress via an encrypted messaging app.

This conspiracy was revealed by Project Veritas, which dropped a bombshell video exposing Travis Combs, Branch Chief for Applied Innovation and Improvement at the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).

In the undercover footage, Combs admits that DOE employees are intentionally using the encrypted messaging app Signal to hide internal conversations from oversight.

“If you want to have a conversation with somebody, you do have to take it offline, but you’re not supposed to. So, everybody uses… an app called Signal now,” Combs said.

Even more alarming, Combs revealed that the DOE deliberately avoids asking about citizenship status during student enrollment—despite the federal government’s responsibility to uphold immigration laws.

“The one nice thing about the program that I work in is that we don’t ask [citizenship] status, and we’ve been able to keep that out of our federal statute,” Combs stated.

He admitted that “if Congress actually knew” about this practice, “there would be a lot of uproar.”

Big shout-out to Project Veritas for exposing this disgusting abuse of power. More Stories:

The Meat Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed…
Feb 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
DISTURBING: Yale researchers have found that some COVID jab recipients show signs of a depleted immune system and continue producing spike proteins YEARS after the shot.

Dr. Robert Malone was right about everything.

What was once called a “conspiracy theory” is now backed by science: vaccine spike proteins can linger in the body for years, potentially causing chronic inflammation and long-term health problems.

Even more alarming, some patients experienced Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation, while others had dangerously low levels of vital immune cells.

The COVID jabs were sold to us as the solution to “end the pandemic.” Instead, it looks like they wrecked the immune system and made things worse. More Stories:

Study Finds Shocking Downside to Multiple COVID-19 Vaccine Doses…
Feb 23 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried This Week

#10 – UK government BUSTED in a secret plot to extract personal data from 2 billion iPhone users.

They were this close to your “encrypted” data.

This story begins when the UK govt hit Apple with a secret gag order, forcing them to either backdoor encrypted data for billions of users or face criminal charges if they refused to comply. Apple couldn’t even talk about it.

The order demanded Apple create a vulnerability in its iCloud encryption, which would have given the UK government a back door to financial information, health records, and private conversations—not just of UK citizens but of two billion iPhone users worldwide.

Remember, the UK government has already tried to threaten and extradite individuals outside the UK for violating British censorship laws—including US citizens over their online posts. So what happens when governments push to punish you not just for what you say publicly but for what you say privately?

Rather than handing over the data of 2 billion iPhone users to the UK government, Apple chose to pull its Advanced Data Protection (ADP) in the UK—removing the option for UK users to enable encryption. Existing UK users must now disable encryption, and new users won’t have the option at all. US citizens and people in other countries remain unaffected by the UK government’s dystopian push to surveil and censor speech—for now.

The UK government was this close to surveilling you, too—but luckily, Sayer Ji, Elon Musk, and The Wall Street Journal exposed this privacy nightmare.

In another disturbing development, Imran Ahmed of the CCDH—one of the leading architects of the UK’s war on speech—is being awarded for his Orwellian efforts with a $300,000 prize this May.

@sayerjigmi has put together a petition to oppose this absurd aggrandizement of someone who has worked tirelessly to annihilate personal freedoms and silence dissenting voices.

You can sign that petition here:…

(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below) #9 - Kash Patel Issues Fiery Statement with a Dire Warning After Being Confirmed as FBI Director
Feb 19 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Calley Means Stuns CNN Viewers With Two Devastating Takedowns Live on Air

Paul Offit and Pamela Brown came prepared for a debate. What they received was a reckoning.

🧵 THREAD Image Calley Means (@CalleyMeans), ex-pharma consultant turned industry critic, came out swinging on CNN Wednesday in a fiery debate against infamous vaccine pusher Dr. Paul Offit.

Offit thought he could call RFK Jr. an anti-vaxxer without his own financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry being exposed—but he was wrong.

Things immediately got heated when Means exposed Offit’s shocking conflicts of interest on live TV while CNN’s Pamela Brown stood by and let it happen like a deer caught in headlights.

“What’s causing distrust in public health authorities is conflicts of interest, like Dr. Offit taking millions of dollars from pharmaceutical makers like Merck while approving and recommending pharmaceuticals on ACIP committees.

“Dr. Offit says that science is always settled when he himself has approved vaccines that have been recalled for causing organ failure in kids.

“Dr. Offit is talking about measles… But there were 300 deaths from measles a year before the invention of the vaccine. We have 38% of children right now with prediabetes. Bobby is focused on that. He’s focused on reorganizing the department. And that’s what we should be talking about, not this distraction,” Means argued.
Feb 19 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
Elon Musk Delivers a Powerful Statement on Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Plus, more must-see moments from the Trump-Musk interview.

🧵 THREAD Image Fox News’ Sean Hannity just released Part 1 of his highly anticipated interview with President Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Musk, who leads the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), shared key insights not only on Trump but also on what he believes is needed to fix America’s broken system and restore the will of the people.

The interview kicked off with Musk sharing how much he “loves” President Trump, making it clear to everyone that he believes he is a “good man.”

“I love the president. I just want to be clear about that,” Musk said.

“The president has been so unfairly attacked in the media. It’s truly outrageous. And I’ve, at this point, spent a lot of time with the president, and not once have I seen him do something that was mean or cruel or wrong. Not once.”