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Editor-in-Chief @VigilantNews. Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience.
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Jun 25 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Ivermectin is often recognized–2nd to penicillin–for having the greatest impact on human health.

Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.

But the propagandists told you it was a “dangerous horse dewormer.”

Well, it now turns out that ivermectin is “very effective against certain cancers.”

Dr. Paul Marik attests to this:

“We know of cases of patients who had solid tumors who were given the horse dewormer (ivermectin), and together with some other drugs ... the cancer disappeared.” Full Interview:

Dr. Paul Marik: Key Strategies You Aren’t Told That Help Prevent Cancer
Jun 25 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Detox Spike Proteins: Here's How Per Dr. Peter McCullough

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#1 - Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day

#2 - Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day

#3 - Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day

Take for how long? Dr. McCullough and doctors from the United Kingdom are finding people get better with this protocol after a duration of three to twelve months. Additional Resources (Bookmark This Thread):

How Can I Reduce Spike Protein in My Body? From FLCCC Alliance.…
Jun 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Dr. Paul Marik Exposes the Truth About Cancer

Only “about 5% of all cancers that are actually curable with chemotherapy.”

For the remaining 95%, “Chemotherapy is palliative at best” and comes with several nasty side effects:

• Nausea and vomiting
• Hair loss
• Anemia
• Infections
• Bruising and bleeding
• Skin and nail changes
• Cognitive changes
• Sexual and reproductive issues
• Peripheral neuropathy
• Edema
• “Knocks out the bone marrow”
• Et cetera

So, are conventional cancer treatments working?

Despite advancements in chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and surgical treatments over the past 30 years, the overall life expectancy of a cancer patient has been extended by a measly 3.9 months.

As such, Dr. Marik advised cancer patients to ask this question: “Is this [chemotherapy] going to cure my cancer, or is it just going to palliate and extend my life a month or two with terrible side effects?” Full Interview via @ChildrensHD:…
Jun 23 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Another COVID “Conspiracy Theory” Becomes Reality

We now have proof that the COVID shots damage cognition.

This was deemed a “conspiracy theory,” but now we have the data to back it up.

A bombshell study from South Korea showed the COVID-injected experienced:

• A 68% rise in depression
• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders
• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders
• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment
• A 23% rise in Alzheimer's disease

Millions of health records were analyzed for this study, comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over a three-month period.

These results are corroborated by what Dr. Pierre Kory sees in his medical practice. He writes:

“In my practice of treating vaccine injuries, one of the three most common symptoms I see is brain fog. So many of my patients had been in the prime of their lives, can now barely function, have significant cognitive impairment and need a lot of help from our nurses to carry out their treatment plans. I never imagined I would see any of this in people far younger than me and instead I see it every day. I bear witness to an immense amount of suffering on a daily basis that is hard to put into words.”

Watch the full breakdown of this stunning report. The Great Reset has BACKFIRED, says esteemed broadcaster.…
Jun 23 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

Dr. Francis Boyle, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, did not mince his words.

He says, “Everyone involved in the development of COVID-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon and also everyone involved in the manufacture of these COVID-19 ‘frankenshots’ clearly violated the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation. It was a Nuremberg crime and a crime against humanity.”

Dr. Boyle refers to the Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer as “promising,” but the issue is that it is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal one.

Dr. Boyle believes that the perpetrators are guilty of “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.” He emphasized that under common law Anglo-American principles of criminal law, which he taught for eight years, those involved are undoubtedly guilty.

Other crimes include “not only murder but also mayhem and assault and battery,” he says. Related Stories:

Vaccine-injured pharmacist delivers heartbreaking testimony before the Ohio State Senate.…
Jun 23 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

#10 - Kansas sues Pfizer for misleading the public on COVID-19 injections.

#9 - Democrat insiders reveal secret plot to replace feeble Joe Biden.

#8 - Ex-CDC director unequivocally predicts there “will be a bird flu pandemic.”

#7 - The Great Reset has BACKFIRED, says esteemed broadcaster.

#6 - Senior Disney VP caught on camera admitting to discriminatory hiring practices against white men.

#5 - Vaccine-injured pharmacist delivers heartbreaking testimony before the Ohio State Senate.

#4 - Michigan Senator goes off on Democrat bill that makes it “impossible” for citizens to challenge election fraud.

#3 - We now have proof that the COVID “vaccines” damage cognition.

#2 - Groundbreaking peer-reviewed study finds infants who received multiple vaccines at once have ‘exponentially’ greater risk of developmental delays.

#1 - Explosive undercover footage catches US official admitting the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL.

Plus, the COVID shots are “weapons of mass destruction.” Top law professor Dr. Francis Boyle explains. (Watch)

Articles are included in the thread 🧵 below. Please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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Jun 22 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: “When I was a child, there were just a few shots. Now we're well over 100 total doses, over 70 vaccines, through childhood and growing. And the data suggests it's simply too much.”

“Five studies now show ... if children go natural with no vaccines whatsoever, they're healthier than their fully vaccinated cohorts.”

@P_McCulloughMD Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America.

Unlike Fauci, whenever he makes a bold claim, he cites the study's first author and a summary of their findings.

You can follow him here on 𝕏.

--> @P_McCulloughMD
Jun 18 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough

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Dr. McCullough recommends three key substances to enhance recovery after the shots.

1. NATTOKINASE: Degrades spike proteins.

How much? 2000 units twice a day

2. BROMELAIN: Also breaks down spike proteins.

How much? 500 milligrams once a day

3. CURCUMIN: Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

How much? 500 milligrams twice a day with 5-10 mg of piperine for better absorption

This summarizes Dr. McCullough's “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol.


HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity.

IVERMECTIN: Included if there are signs of persistent infection.

COLCHICINE: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs).

NICOTINE PATCH or ORAL ACICLOVIR: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog.

LOW-DOSE NALTREXONE: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.

Share this with every vax-injured person you know. Additional resources in the comments below. Additional Resources (Bookmark This Thread):

How Can I Reduce Spike Protein in My Body? From FLCCC Alliance.…
Jun 16 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (6/16/24)

#10 - Top law professor labels mRNA COVID-19 injections “weapons of mass destruction.”

#9 - Joe Biden’s daily pharmaceuticals have reportedly been revealed.

#8 - Joe Rogan now questions if elections are even “real.”

#7 - Candace Owens destroys Piers Morgan in a one-on-one debate about the COVID shots.

#6 - Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels explodes on California’s woke policies. “You’ve lost your f*cking mind!”

#5 - The US-Saudi petrodollar deal ends after fifty years, and nobody’s talking about it.

#4 - Senator Lindsay Graham gives away the neocon playbook to the war in Ukraine.

#3 - Actor Kevin Spacey breaking his silence on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton.

#2 - Newly-surfaced video exposes Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for unprotected US Capitol on January 6.

#1 - European elections see a dramatic shift to the right across the entire continent.

Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin. (Watch)

Happy Father’s Day!

See more stories in the thread below 🧵 Before we get started, please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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Jun 14 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear

“This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought... I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.”

The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable” harms.

Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes.”

“When I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it’s one in 36,” Dr. McCullough explained.

“And there’s about 200 published manuscripts showing it’s immune system dysregulation.”

“And the vignettes, the mothers tell us that the child was fine up until the time they took multiple rounds of vaccines, and then they developed autism. Those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can’t pin it down to any single vaccine. But I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And you know how many, many mothers now — [a] recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey shows about a third of mothers and young fathers going natural.”

@P_McCulloughMD Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America.

Unlike Fauci, whenever he makes a bold claim, he cites the study's first author and a summary of their findings.

You can follow him here on 𝕏.

--> @P_McCulloughMD
Jun 11 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
TUCKER CARLSON: “It just becomes clearer every day that January 6 was a hoax.”

Or as some people say, a FEDsurrection.

It turns out that the FBI punishes agents who hold the wrong political views.

This was unearthed when an FBI whistleblower handed over internal documents to John Solomon of Just The News.

These documents show that the FBI has an internal “political litmus test” for security clearances.

The whistleblower, with 12 years of service, had his loyalty checked regarding his stance on the vaccine mandate, Donald Trump, and the Second Amendment.

He answered “wrong” to those questions. As such, “he was suspended indefinitely without pay.” Watch the full interview via @TuckerCarlson:…
Jun 10 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Tucker Carlson once said:

“Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies” because “they’re being blackmailed by the intel agencies.”

Here are 7 other eye-opening revelations I’ve learned from watching his broadcasts over the years: Before we get started, please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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Jun 9 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Katie Hobbs Busted in Massive $400,000 Bribery Scandal

First, a stolen election. Now, special favors for donors.

Now, even the far-left Arizona Republic is suggesting an investigation is in order.

The beneficiary of Hobbs’ favors in this “pay-to-play scandal” appears to be Sunshine Residential Homes Inc.

Arizona State Senator Jake Hoffman on 𝕏:

“State contractor donated $400,000 to Gov. Katie Hobbs and AZ Democrats and got millions more in state money.

“DCS over the course of the past year approved what amounts to a nearly 60% increase in the rate that Sunshine Residential Homes Inc. charges to care for a child for a day, meaning potentially millions of dollars more going to the company at taxpayers’ expense.

“No other standard group home provider — there are dozens — was approved for any rate increase during Hobbs’ tenure.”

Katie Hobbs is truly despicable. More Stories:

Reporter catches Biden campaign in a lie and brings all the receipts.…
Jun 9 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The unvaccinated are frequently asked, “How did you know the COVID vaccines were dangerous when they first came out?”

The answer is simple: we didn’t.

However, we quickly figured out that the people pushing the shots were LIARS.

Watch Tucker Carlson explain this brilliantly.

“The behavior of the people selling me that [vaccine] was so transparently dishonest. I didn’t know that the vax wouldn’t work, which it didn’t, of course. I didn’t know that it would cause harm, which it did. But I did know that the people selling it were liars. Like, I knew that instantly. And I know some of them, but I could just tell by their behavior [that] they’re lying.

“And I was like, ‘I don’t know what this is. No one in my family is getting this ... period.’ Like I figured that out the first day ... I felt [something was wrong] so strongly, and I just obeyed [my instincts]. And I think that works.” More Stories:

Mainstream outlet features “excess deaths” and “COVID vaccines” in the same headline.…
Jun 9 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (6/9/24)

#10 - Mainstream outlet features “excess deaths” and “COVID vaccines” in the same headline.

#9 - Trump hater crumbles on air when confronted with one simple question.

#8 - Reporter catches Biden campaign in a lie and brings all the receipts.

#7 - Ex-CDC director says vaccine mandates were a “terrible idea,” along with a number of other stunning COVID admissions.

#6 - Laughter erupts as Dr. Phil stuns Trump critic with one clear fact.

#5 - Biden’s allies officially freak out as his mental decline proves to be very real and serious.

#4 - Arizona GOP files bombshell lawsuit after discovering up to 1.3 million illegal voters.

#3 - Tucker Carlson gives the most reasonable explanation ever on why he chose not to get vaccinated.

#2 - Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs gets busted in massive $400,000 bribery scandal.

#1 - The World Health Organization warns a “new strain” of bird flu “has jumped” to humans with “potential for high public health impact.”

Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. Rima Laibow.

Articles are included in the thread 🧵 below. Before we get started, please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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Jun 3 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci breaks down into tears discussing personal death threats.

He says, “Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.”

REP DINGELL: How do you feel?

FAUCI: “Terrible.”

REP DINGELL: “Do you continue to receive threats today?”

FAUCI: “Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.” Dr. Fauci DEFENDS every single bad COVID policy he pushed.

“Vaccines save lives.”

Dr. Fauci still defends:

• Business closures
• Church closures
• School closures
• Stay-at-home orders
• Mask mandates for adults
• Mask mandates for children
• Mask mandates for children under five in the face of no scientific evidence for doing so
• Vaccine mandates for employees, students, and military, despite failure to stop transmission
Jun 2 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Dr. Peter McCullough Makes Chilling Bird Flu Prediction

“I think the end game for the bad guys is MASS VACCINATION.”

The FDA has already approved a bird flu vaccine.

Dr. McCullough mentioned something equally terrifying. He says the bird flu response is a giant threat to the food supply.

Mass PCR testing produces false positives, leading to the unnecessary killing of healthy animals. The next thing you know, we have a livestock shortage.

Watch his alarming breakdown of the current situation. More Stories:

Another COVID “conspiracy theory” becomes reality after data confirms deaths of COVID-vaccinated labeled as “unvaccinated.”…
Jun 2 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Another COVID ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Becomes True

It turns out the deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated.

“That’s why ‘unvaccinated’ deaths spiked immediately after the vaccine rollout,” explained Dr. Toby Rogers.

“That’s how they hid COVID vaccine deaths and kept the rollout going.”

Roger’s tweet mentioned a Substack post from Thursday titled “Where Are The Numbers” by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil.

These professors, in their own words, “challenge the global Covid-19 narrative, exposing the use and abuse of statistics.” That’s an eloquent way of saying the results were SKEWED to sell a narrative. More Stories:

Dr. Peter McCullough Makes Chilling Bird Flu Prediction…
Jun 2 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Media Blackout: 10 Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (6/2/24)

#10 - World Health Organization gains disturbing powers through newly-passed IHR amendments.

#9 - Megyn Kelly suggests a RECKONING is coming for Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

#8 - WW3 appears imminent after Joe Biden gives Ukraine permission to launch airstrikes on Russia with US weapons.

#7 - Republican Senate candidate Larry Hogan ends his political career with one tweet.

#6 - Another COVID “conspiracy theory” becomes reality after data confirms deaths of COVID-vaccinated labeled as “unvaccinated.”

#5 - Husband of anti-NWO Italian MEP found dead in car with “something tied tightly around his neck.”

#4 - New study finds MASSIVE increase in cardiopulmonary arrests in one of the most vaccinated counties in the United States.

#3 - Hollywood gets hit with bad news after box office sales drop to “the worst in decades.”

#2 - Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says the witch hunt trial against Trump should have NEVER happened.

#1 - Dr. Peter McCullough makes a chilling bird flu prediction, says the response is a giant threat to the food supply.

Articles are included in the thread 🧵below. Before we get started, please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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Jun 2 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
DONALD TRUMP JR: “The difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory is six months.”

He’s right. This was particularly evident during the COVID era.

Here are 15 COVID “conspiracy theories” that turned out to be true.

🧵 (Bookmark this one) #15 - Repeated COVID shots weaken the immune system, according to study.
May 26 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (5/26/24)

#10 - Middle schooler’s patriotic speech CENSORED by principal goes viral.

#9 - White House issues NINE corrections to one Biden speech.

#8 - A new video shows what really happened during the arrest of the world’s number one golfer.

#7 - Megyn Kelly schools Bill Maher on Hillary Clinton’s election denialism.

#6 - Three hundred pages of emails leave no doubt that Fauci lied, people died.

#5 - Orwellian digital IDS simultaneously begin rolling out in multiple nations.

#4 - Turbulence during Boeing flight results in one dead and several injured.

#3 - US government 'cartel' bribed CVS and Walgreens with billions of dollars to reject ivermectin prescriptions and promote COVID shots.

#2 - FBI authorized deadly force in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago raid.

#1 - Brilliant report explains how to stop the World Health Organization’s horrific Pandemic Treaty.

Articles are included in the thread 🧵 below. Before we get started, please share the above post ☝️ with fellow truth-seekers and bookmark it for future reference.

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