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Mar 11, 2023, 6 tweets

#Highlights| PM @narendramodi addressed the Post Budget Webinar on ‘PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman’.

Skilled craftsmen were contributing in their own ways towards exports in ancient India, but this 'export model' collapsed during the long years of slavery: PM Narendra Modi


Even after independence, there was no intervention from the govt to work for their betterment and as a result, many traditional ways of skill and craftsmanship were abandoned by the families so that they could make a living elsewhere: PM Narendra Modi


This working class has conserved their craft of using traditional methods for centuries and they are making a mark with their extraordinary skills and unique creations: PM Narendra Modi


Skilled craftsmen are symbols of the true spirit of self-reliant India and our government considers such people as #Vishwakarma of new India: PM Narendra Modi


Just as the PM SVANidhi scheme has aided street vendors, PM Vishwakarma Yojana will benefit the artisans: PM Narendra Modi


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