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Sep 17 14 tweets 6 min read
#Thread 🧵

क्या आप जानते हैं, दिल्ली की नई मुख्यमंत्री Atishi Marlena के माता-पिता राष्ट्र-विरोधी छवि वाले हैं?

@AtishiAAP के माता-पिता ने आतंकी अफजल गुरु और याकूब मेमन के लिए दया याचिका पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं और कई वर्षों तक इन आतंकियों की खुलेआम वकालत की है। Image अफ़ज़ल गुरु के लिए दया याचिका

आतिशी मार्लेना की मां 'तृप्ता वाही' उस समिति की संयोजक थीं जो अफ़ज़ल गुरु को आरोपों से मुक्त कराना चाहती थी। उनके पिता विजय सिंह भी समिति के सदस्य थे। इस याचिका में अफ़ज़ल गुरु को दी गई सज़ा को रद्द करने की प्रार्थना की गई है।Image
Sep 17 11 tweets 5 min read
Congratulations Atishi Marlena, as you’re all set to become the new CM of Delhi – as a gift, The Pamphlet will be giving a background detail on your family.

@AtishiAAP's family — Tripta Wahi (mother) & Vijay Singh (Father) have grave anti-national credentials.

#Thread Image Mercy petition for Afzal Guru: Tripta Wahi was the convener of the committee that wanted Afzal Guru to be free of charges & Vijay Singh was a member too. Alongwith many liberals, they signed this mercy petition to President of India which seeked to set aside the punishment given to terrorist Afzal Guru.

In the attached video you can see Tripta Wahi giving a statement in favour of Afzal Guru.
May 24 9 tweets 3 min read
ADR is doing a “consistent mala fide campaign” to raise “suspicion and doubt” about conduct of elections “by creating false narratives”

Election Commission had said this about ADR in an affidavit to Supreme Court

It's high time ADR should be exposed! 🚨👇

#Thread #ADR Image Earlier, it was ADR's petition against Electoral Bonds in SC, which led to this 'legal process of donation to political parties' being rendered unconstitutional by the judiciary

Now, it's trying to undermine India's electoral process

But do you know who funds ADR?
May 21 42 tweets 13 min read
Mamata Banerjee has been ruling West Bengal for 13 years. In the 13 years of Mamata rule, Hindus have been targeted by both TMC, local Muslims & Bangladeshi infiltrators.

The Pamphlet has documented 41 cases of violence against Hindus since 2016

#Thread 👇 Image 1) Name of victim: Multiple incidents
Religion: Hindu
Date: 02 May 2021
Incident: Houses burnt, plundered, women and minors raped and molested
Place: Gosaba and Basanti in South 24 parganas district
Perpetrators: TMC cadre
Category of Violence: Violence against BJP workers, Sexual harassment of womenImage
May 17 9 tweets 3 min read
Pati, Patni aur Anti-India links

Have you ever pondered about the reason for Arfa Khanum Sherwani’s Anti-India reporting?

Could it be due to her mysterious husband Azim Khan?

#Thread👇Image Arfa Khanum Sherwani is married to someone who has served as a ‘political analyst’ for the CIA and a facilitator for Ford Foundation as revealed by OSINTवा

How Arfa kept this a mystery until today is beyond imagination

But this is not all about Azim
May 1 14 tweets 5 min read
Important Thread 🧵

Rahul Gandhi अपनी एक चुनावी रैली में कितनी बार Fake News और Disinformation का सहारा लेते हैं

ये जानने के लिए हमने मंगलवार 30 अप्रैल, 2024 को भिंड (मध्यप्रदेश) में हुई राहुल गाँधी की चुनावी रैली को सैंपल के तौर पर लियाImage झूठ नंबर 1: 'अमित शाह ने कहा है कि जीतने पर संविधान खत्म कर देंगे'

तथ्य: केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने ऐसा कभी नहीं कहा, बल्कि प्रधानमंत्री मोदी का संविधान के मुद्दे पर स्पष्ट कहना है कि 👇
Apr 14 20 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵

#101ReasonsToVoteModi with

Reason 1 - Roads, Railways, Highways & Waterways

Info Courtesy - Dr. Abhijit Phadnis (@abhijitaishwary) Reason 2 - Wider Airport Access

Mar 29 8 tweets 3 min read
Now, after Germany and the United States — United Nations has commented on Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest.

But do you know who propped these questions in press briefings of the US State Department and the UN?

Bangladeshi Journalist Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey
#Thread Image Mushfiqul is working for SA Perspectives and Just News BD as a WH/UN correspondent

On 27 March, he questioned US State Dept. spox & asked same Q to the spokesperson of the UN Secretary-General on 28 March

But why is a Bangladeshi journo interested about Delhi CM?

Mar 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Today at the ECI press conference, a particular journalist asked why it doesn't take action against PM Narendra Modi for "hate speech"

On enquiry, she revealed her name as Ashlin Mathew from National Herald - an INC mouthpiece!

But here's something more about Ashlin Mathew👇 On 8 December 2021, Ashlin Mathew, posted a tweet saying ‘Divine Intervention’

Notably, India's first Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat passed away during a helicopter crash on the same day in Coonoor. Image
Mar 11 8 tweets 2 min read
ADR has approached SC with a contempt petition against the SBI for "deliberately disobeying" the deadline set in the electoral bonds case by not submitting info to the ECI

ADR stands for transparency in electoral funds, but people should know who funds ADR!

A Thread👇 Image As available in public domain, here are the top donors of ADR👇

1. Ford Foundation
2. Omidyar Network India Advisors Private Ltd.
3. Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
4. Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives
5. Vikram Sarabhai Foundation
6. Thakur Family Foundation, Inc

Feb 26 6 tweets 2 min read
Nitasha Kaul, so much has been written about her in last 24 hours — her offensive statements regarding Kashmir, sharing stage with orgs such as IAMC, HFHR, Stand With Kashmir, etc.

But didn’t you ponder who invited her? INC govt of Karnataka

#Thread on Nitasha and INC Link👇Nitasha Kaul Nitasha in her CV(available in public domain) mentions her articles for The Wire, her event sponsored by IAMC and HFHR, among many other items and details.

However, we found something else too.

In the year 2000, she received a travel grant from Rajiv Gandhi Foundation!
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Feb 11 25 tweets 8 min read
The nation saw criminals and miscreants creating havoc on the streets of #Haldwani. However, do you know about

. The history of the issue of Banbhoolpura
. The role played by Congress, its leaders in endorsing encroachments & the stance of the Judiciary on this? (1/N)Image On 20th December, 2022, the High Court ordered demolition of the encroachments in Banbhoolpura, Haldwani. Court had ordered the demolition within one week after giving a notice.

This wasn't for the first time (2/N) Image
Jan 27 19 tweets 10 min read

‘द पैम्फ़लेट’ इस THREAD में आपके सामने ला रहा है वाराणसी में ज्ञानवापी परिसर की एक्सक्लूसिव ASI सर्वे रिपोर्ट।

ASI ने करीब 100 दिन तक ज्ञानवापी का सर्वे करने के बाद 839 पन्नों की इस रिपोर्ट में परिसर के प्रमुख स्थानों का उल्लेख किया है और कुल 321 साक्ष्य भी कोर्ट में जमा किए हैं। रिपोर्ट में ASI ने दावा किया कि ज्ञानवापी में एक बड़ा हिंदू मंदिर मौजूद था।

रिपोर्ट की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें इस 🧵में 👇Image पहले से मौजूद संरचनाएँ - परिसर में पहले से मौजूद कई संरचनाएँ पाई गईं जो साबित करती हैं कि मौजूदा संरचना के निर्माण से पहले, वहाँ एक बड़ा हिंदू मंदिर मौजूद था-

रिपोर्ट के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग के बिंदु 22 एवं 23 में इस बात का स्पष्ट उल्लेख किया गया है कि परिसर के पूर्वी भाग में तहखाने बनाते समय पुराने मंदिरों के स्तंभों का पुन: उपयोग किया गया, यहाँ स्तंभ बने हुए हैं जिन पर घंटियाँ उकेरी हुई हैं, चारों ओर दीपक रखने के लिए जगह हैं और संवत् 1669 (1613 ईस्वी) का एक शिलालेख अंकित है।Image
Jan 26 11 tweets 3 min read
The ASI report has validated the Hindu claims on an ancient Hindu temple existing at the Gyanvapi site.

Remember when several individuals — including politicians and journalists — mocked Hindus with offensive jokes after Shivlinga was discovered in Wazukhana?

A Thread 👇Image Here is Saba Naqvi (@_sabanaqvi) sharing a ‘Whatsapp forward’ which compares the domed structure at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre with a Shivlinga
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Jan 8 9 tweets 5 min read
#Thread 🧵

Do you remember, in Feb, 2019, when Wing Commandar Abhinandan Varthaman was in Pakistan’s custody and the entire nation was praying for his return, it was a strong India led by PM Modi that ensured the pilot’s return pressuring Pakistan through its diplomatic channels but then there were many liberals in the country who were giving credits to the Pakistanis and their then PM Imran Khan terming it as his goodwill gesture.Image Ex Indian High Commissioner’s Ajay Bisaria’s upcoming book “Anger Managment : The troubled Diplomatic Relationship between India and Pakistan” reveals it all. Image
Sep 5, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
UN ‘experts’ have raised an alarm on the situation in #Manipur

These experts allege “inadequate humanitarian response”

But who are these “experts”?

A thread⬇️

1/n Image Irene Khan

She received Ford Foundation Fellowship in 1979

She joined Amnesty International in 2001 as Secretary General which has been attempting to undermine India’s sovereignty, with its lies on J&K

She also supports financial fraud accused WaPo columnist Rana Ayyub

Sep 4, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष @kharge ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र की एक रिपोर्ट का हवाला देते हुए ट्वीट किया और दावा किया कि देश के 74% लोग स्वस्थ आहार का खर्च नहीं जुटा सकते, लेकिन यह पूरी तरह से झूठ है। Image संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा ‘स्टेट ऑफ़ फूड सिक्योरिटी एंड न्यूट्रिशन इन द वर्ल्ड 2023’ नामक एक रिपोर्ट जारी की गई।

316 पन्नों की इस रिपोर्ट में दुनिया के कई देशों में पौष्टिक आहार और उसे खरीद पाने की क्षमता पर बात की गई है।
Aug 12, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
Did you know that the person who claims to have coined the name of 'Mohabbat Ki Dukaan' event for Rahul Gandhi is openly running propaganda campaign on Manipur with ISI assets?

Does @RahulGandhi endorse this?

Read More Down Below🔽 See 2 imgs below of a Whatsapp group named “Save Manipur Global Forum”

Img 1: Pieter Friedrich wants people to read his book

Img 2: Shan Sankaran replies to a lady who asked Pieter for a signed copy that she would get it when he comes to India after “they” form the govt. 1/n
Jul 31, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Exclusive🧵: The attack on Shobha Yatra in #Mewat, Haryana, was preplanned and a well thought out conspiracy.

Follow this thread to know the clinical precision with which the attack was planned and executed.

Image The VHP, Bajrang Dal and also various Gau Rakshaks were participating in the Shobha Yatra on 31 July, 2023.

#MonuManesar, a Gau Rakshak, was also reported to be participating. #Mewat residents were angry and upset at his presence and vowed of 'revenge'

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Jul 22, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
#Manipur issue was raised in the British Parliament on Thursday by Fiona Bruce, Rishi Sunak’s special envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief

After European Parliament Its Now House of Commons

Before Reading Bookmark This🧵

#ManipurViolence #BritishParliament Image In her address in the British House of Commons, Fiona Bruce said: “Since early May alone hundreds of churches (in Manipur) have been destroyed, many burnt to the ground”.

She claimed that religion seems to be a key factor in premeditated and systematic attacks in Manipur.
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Jul 14, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
#Thread| The European Parliament recently passed a resolution on Manipur. What was discussed? Who were the debaters?

@Pamphlet_in does a deep dive to find out why the Church seems too much invested in India’s internal matter

Kindly Bookmark this thread!

#EuropeanParliament Image The resolution titled ‘India, the situation in Manipur’ was brought by 5 parliamentary factions.

Together, they account for around 80% of the MEPs in the 705-member parliament.

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