Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy Profile picture
Director of Cardiology, Kauvery Hospital, Marathahalli, Bengaluru.📞 08041804180 for appointments + RxDx clinic, Whitefield, Bengaluru

Mar 12, 2023, 9 tweets

"He was very fit Sir"
60y guy. Heart attack 2y ago. Multiple blocks - advised bypass surgery. Didn't get it done. Medication stopped. Took herbal treatment. No follow up with Cardiologist. Now presented with cardiac arrest. Brain dead. What many people think as "fit" - just means… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

So when people say somebody vert fit or apparently healthy died suddenly, I always take it with a pinch of salt because many a times, underlying health conditions existed and were ignored and not taken care of. Commonest being uncontrolled #Diabetes or #hypertension.

Not all coronary artery disease patients need angioplasty or surgery, but strict control of blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes becomes super important. Plus regular exercise and diet control. Follow up with a Cardiologist to keep a check needed too on a regular basis.

Stopping #smoking is crucial to improve survival as we can see in this graph

Regular exercise has a direct effect on reducing death from heart disease as well as other causes.

Just because a few people died here and there during exercise doesn't mean exercise is the killer. The real killer is sedentary lifestyle. But no one reports someone dying in sleep or lying on the couch, but every death in gym gets international coverage. That's just reporting… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Stents save lives in heart attacks when a coronary artery is occluded acutely. In other cases it us mainly to reduce symptoms(angina) and improve quality of life.

Bypass surgery is largely about reducing angina and improving quality of life. But in severe triple vessel disease and left main disease, left ventricular dysfunction, bypass surgery reduces mortality.

Prevention of CVD

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