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Jun 15th 2023
1a) Welcome to a 🆕#accredited #tweetorial on the importance of time in range #TIR in #diabetes . . . with additional emphases on #primarycare and on practice in 🇨🇦.
#FOAMed #endotwitter #MedEd @MedTweetorials #nephtwitter #cardiotwitter
1b) Hence we welcome2⃣ expert faculty from Canada: Ilana Halperin @ilanajhalperin, academic endocrinologist at @Sunnybrook and @uoftmedicine, and Noah Ivers @NoahIvers, #familydoc & researcher at Women's College Hospital @UofT ImageImage
2) Earn 0.75hr 🆓CE/#CME by following this🧵! This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Sanofi Canada and is intended for #HCPs. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at
And so we begin . . .
Read 43 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
Here, a triple agonist that interacts with GLP-1, neuropeptide Y1&Y2 receptors, regulated insulin secretion in rat and human pancreatic islets, promoted insulin-independent Y1-R-mediated glucose uptake in rat muscle tissue ex vivo and reduced food intake and body weight in rats. Image
- Mechanisms underlying long-term sustained weight loss and glycemic normalization after obesity surgery include changes in gut hormone levels, including glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY).
- PYY1–36 is a gut hormone that binds to the Y1-R in pancreatic islets and central nervous system nuclei that control appetite regulation in the brain including the brainstem area postrema and nucleus tractus solitarius, where it has an orexigenic effect.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Here, despite younger age at diagnosis, lower prevalence of obesity and diabetes family history, individuals with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes who had a low birthweight were more likely to have greater use of glucose-lowering medications and a larger burden of comorbidity. Image
- Low birthweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes but it is unknown whether low birthweight is associated with distinct clinical characteristics at disease onset.
- This study examined whether a lower or higher birthweight in type 2 diabetes is associated with clinically relevant characteristics at disease onset.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
The findings of this study suggest that inflammation (glycated proteins and small:total HDL particle ratio) and muscle metabolism (creatinine, creatine) may play a substantial role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Image
- The aim of this study was to combine nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics and machine learning to find a glucose-independent molecular signature associated with future type 2 diabetes mellitus development.
- A case-control design nested in a population-based cohort ( study) was used in this study.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
Every year, exposure to #AirPollution causes 7 million premature deaths.

From forest fires to smog hanging over cities and smoke inside the home, the #ClimateEmergency threatens our health and our planet.

📌 Factoid stating that "...
In children 🧒🏽 👶🏻 👧🏾, exposure to #AirPollution can cause:
🫁 reduced lung growth & function
🗣️ respiratory infections
🩺 aggravated #asthma

📌 A child is walking and read...
In adults, ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the most common causes of premature death attributable to outdoor #AirPollution. Other effects include #diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions.

📌 A man walks on the sidewalk...
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Ron Davis: "25% #MECFS patients have MS."

GeNeuro: "25% of longhaulers have a reactivation of the HERV-W protein."

My logic:
In ME: EBV reactivates HERV-W, and this leads to MS.
In LC: Sars-Cov-2 leads to EBV reactivation, EBV reactivates HERV-W, resulting in MS.

Cumulative Roles for Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Endogenous Retroviruses, and Human Herpes Virus-6 in Driving an Inflammatory Cascade Underlying MS Pathogenesis… Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
In this one, a higher cardiovascular risk, as assessed by the Framingham 10‐year cardiovascular disease risk score, was associated with poorer cognitive function among older adults living in the US. Image
- The Framingham 10‐year cardiovascular disease risk score is based on age, sex, smoking, total cholesterol, high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes.
- It was found to be associated with lower cognitive function among older adults, including overall cognition and particular domains of cognition, such as executive function and processing speed, and immediate and delayed memory.
Read 6 tweets
May 31st 2023
1) Welcome to a 🆕accredited tweetorial from @cardiomet_CE! We welcome back expert faculty @ChristosArgyrop to discuss screening for #CKD in pts w/ #T2D & the role of routine assessment for #microalbuminuria as an effective diagnostic, risk stratification, & patient ed tool.
2) Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD @ChristosArgyrop is Division Chief, Nephrology @UNMHSC. #CKD is chronic #kidneydisease, #ESKD is end-stage kidney disease.
#FOAMed #nephtwitter #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials @NephUCommunity @ISNkidneycare @KidneyDiseaseFm Image
3) This program is intended for #HCPs and is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bayer. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at
FOLLOW US for more expert-authored #tweetorials and earn #MedEd
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May 30th 2023
In this one, both an elevated lipid accumulation product (LAP) and an visceral adiposity index (VAI), were associated with an increased risk for early-onset type 2 diabetes among young Chinese adults.
- The lipid accumulation product (LAP) is a marker designed to measure cardiovascular disease risk factors that integrates waist circumference, an indicator of abdominal obesity, and triglyceride levels.
* LAP index (females)=TG (mmol/L)×(WC [cm]−58)

* LAP index (males)=TG (mmol/L)×(WC [cm]−65)
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May 29th 2023
Thanks for playing the anatomy game everyone

Many mentioned the skin as 1 of their 5 organs

Some mentioned the gut (intestine/bowel)

There’s another organ that bridges the skin and gut, which nobody has mentioned …
The mouth! Image
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May 29th 2023
Food addiction is real and is related to #obesity and #diabetes

1. Food #addiction (FA) syndrome can be diagnosed by using Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS). There are 11 possible symptoms, which can be used to diagnose FA, as well as grade its severity.
#Diet #MedTwitter Image
2. Clinical diagnosis of food addiction (FA)
Individuals can meet a “diagnostic” score for FA on the current versions of the YFAS by endorsing at least two of the 11 behavioral indicators of addiction plus clinical impairment/distress.
3. Severity of Food addiction
Severity thresholds for this “diagnostic” score are defined by the number of symptoms endorsed
(mild: 2–3 symptoms;
moderate: 4–5 symptoms;
severe: 6–11 symptoms)
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May 28th 2023
Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased risk of developing dementia

1. Those diagnosed with diabetes before age 60 years had a nearly threefold increased risk for dementia compared to those who never developed diabetes, as per a recent study.
#MedTwitter #diabetes… Image
2. Those aged 60-69 years at diabetes diagnosis had 73% higher risk of developing dementia and those aged 70-79 years at diabetes diagnosis had 23% higher risk of developing dementia.
The relationship with dementia was not significant for those aged 80 years and older.
3. Mechanisms include glucose toxicity, insulin resistance & microvascular dysfunction of the central nervous system.
Glucose toxicity and microvascular dysfunction are associated with increased inflammatory & oxidative stress, leading to increased blood–brain permeability.
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May 24th 2023
Just doing some digging. #Pain is extremely nuanced. And the approach should also. W my kids #health & #pain there has been continued lack of knowledge, assumptions, & unwillingness to understand.
➡️#Anatomy of those that had #TPAIT & lack of understanding
by many docs 1
how this can impact #pain
➡️ Not identify or understanding impact of #MalabsorptionSyndrome
➡️Assumption that removal of #pancreas should immediately ‘solve’ issue of #ChronicPain
➡️ #GastricEmptying issues
➡️ Age of my kids (too young to have #pain)
➡️ Lack of 2
understanding & identification of #MedicalTrauma
➡️T3c #Diabetes
➡️ Impact of #NASH on #pain & options for #care

There are numerous factors that are critical in #Treating an #ChronicPain in #Individuals. They list of few listed above that are factors w my kids, have often 3
Read 8 tweets
May 24th 2023
#Apologies can be steps towards assisting in #healing #medical #trauma. When my daughter was in @SanfordHealth for 2 months, virtually #secluded bc of accusations by #hospital administration that she causes her diabetic crisis a #hospitalist & #diabetic counselor accused 1
her of ‘stashing’ #Insulin in room. All visitors searched. No items in room unless searched - camera in room 24/7 YET she is accused of injecting #Insulin. My daughter again attempted to educate on post #TPAIT. After additional days, the #Diabetic #Counselor came back & 2
#apologized acknowledging how hard it was to control her #diabetes. It’s hard control when she is at #Baseline but if she is sick nightmare. That #apology meant the world 🌎 to my daughter. She continued to work w this #counselor throughout stay & after. YET #PatientRelations 3 Image
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May 22nd 2023
Inzidenz und Risiko von Typ-1-#Diabetes bei Kindern mit einer #COVID19-Diagnose

Daten der Bayerischen Kassenärztliche Vereinigung: Eine COVID-19-Diagnose bei Kindern in Bayern war mit einer erhöhten Inzidenz von Typ-1-Diabetes seit 2020 verbunden.

#Corona #ProtectTheKids Image
Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine #SARSCoV2-Infektion zu dem beobachteten Anstieg der Typ-1–#Diabetes-Inzidenz während der Pandemie beigetragen hat. Eine nicht diagnostizierte Infektion, die die Mehrheit der SARS-CoV-2-Antikörper-positiven Kinder ausmacht, könnte Image
ebenfalls zu der mäßig erhöhten Inzidenz von Typ-1-#Diabetes beigetragen haben, die bei Kindern ohne #COVID19-Diagnose beobachtet wurde. Mögliche Mechanismen sind die Auslösung einer Autoimmunität oder die Beschleunigung des Krankheitsverlaufs.
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May 22nd 2023
Looking for help with a rising A1C while keto? I’m 5 yrs in, lost 122 lbs and now maintenance. A1C was 5.5 when I started & has slowly crept up. Now at 5.9! I don’t understand & w/a family history of diabetes down my dad’s side am worried. #keto #lchf #diabetes What to do?
2 Fasting glucose runs between 95 and 102. I’ve never had fasting insulin checked. I already cycle between berberine and myo-inositol. I do have Hashimoto’s, not sure if that’s a factor. I see my doc on Friday, who is generally supportive of #keto but not super knowledgeable.
3 Wondering if I should ask for an Rx for a CGM and see if I can identify if it’s something in my diet? Only thing that’s changed over the 5 yrs that I can think of is that I’ve gradually drifted higher protein. I run 2-3 x/week and lift weights 2-3 x/week + 1 yoga class + walks.
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May 18th 2023
This week is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Today’s short thread is about how living with #diabetes can affect psychological well-being🧵

Plus how #HCPs can effectively assess and support people living with the condition👩‍
Living with #diabetes increases the risk of variable mental health conditions.
For this thread, we will be focusing on #depression , #anxiety and #diabetesdistress🔎 Image from Diabetes UK whic...
The ‘Diabetes is Serious Report’ led by @DiabetesUK highlighted that almost half (47%) of people with #diabetes experience difficulties managing their condition.
Those from more deprived areas are at a higher risk🔼
The report is available at:
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May 18th 2023
2 years ago I had my 2nd @ASTRAZENECAUK #COVIDVACCINE
Within hours there was a burning feeling going from my trunk towards my face
An increase in intense itching, pins & needles
Vibrations in my foot, leg & thigh
Tight feeling going around my chest, ribs & back

Nerve pain down my neck, I thought I had shingles
shooting pains in my legs, arms & face
Increase in joint pain
Increase in fatigue
A sort of trembling inside my trunk
My thinking got worse, I was having to practice in my mind what I want to say
& other symptoms I can’t remember
Why did I have the 2nd #COVIDVACCINE after having problems after the 1st?

Initially a lot of the original symptoms were thought to be caused by my #diabetes so I was advised to have the 2nd one

But after the increase in symptoms after the 2nd, we knew..
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May 14th 2023
Statins, given like Halloween candy to those with >10% risk of CVD, can cause insulin resistance & diabetes.

A prime example of "double think".

This 🧵 explores how statins impede insulin sensitivity & damage our pancreas.

#statins #diabetes #T2DM #CVD #cholesterol Image
Let's start off by reminding ourselves that diabetes and the broader category of metabolic syndrome is one of the leading risk factors for CVD.

Any drug that claims to be protective of CVD, should not be impeding insulin sensitivity.
Statins are associated with increased incidence of T2DM, 10-28% in some studies.

One way this happens is by a reduction in insulin secretion - a hormone that facilitates glucose uptake from the bloodstream into cells. Image
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May 4th 2023
Interesting to see anti #obesity and #diabetes #medication management from the perspective of PharmDs

I'm always pro-collaborative care!

Here are some learning points and fact checks:

#AACE2023 #endocrine #endocrinology #pharmacology

- "Tirzepatide is a dual agonist"
👉It ↑GIP activity but GLP-1R agonism is less than that of endogenous GLP-1
- "Hypoglycemia is not a concern if you're not on insulin"
👉Risk of hypoglycemia ~1.4% vs. 0.2% in placebo in SURMOUNT-1…

- "In this pt with uncontrolled #diabetes, A1c 7.4, we decreased glargine by 10% [when we started tirzepatide]"

👉 Not sure where the evidence is here, but the SURPASS-5 trial protocol reduced basal by 20% in participants with baseline A1c<8…

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May 3rd 2023
@alpanashuklamd takes the stage at the @ColumbiaMed @WeillCornell #Obesity Conference Image
@alpanashuklamd et al examined the effect of macronutrient sequencing (carbs first vs carbs last) in ppl with diabetes, prediabetes, or gestational diabetes

This study looked at those with prediabetes:…

Among those with prediabetes, we saw significant differences in glucose, insulin, ghrelin, and GLP-1 -- all favoring the "carbohydrates-last" food order

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Apr 28th 2023
Sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with higher risk of heart diseases & death in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D)

1. Drinking coffee, tea or plain water, on the other hand, reduced the risk of heart diseases and death, in a long-term prospective study.
#Medtwitter Image
2. Full fat milk consumption was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and death in people with Type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Low fat milk consumption, on the other hand, reduced the risk of CVDs and death.
3. Increase in consumption of coffee, tea or low fat milk (versus no change in consumption) after the diagnosis of diabetes, resulted in further reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and death.…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
The findings of this one suggest that the glycaemic load of a meal is not a major determinant of postprandial response, with a greater impact exerted by the metabolic health of the individual. Image
- The aim of this study was to perform an acute cross-over intervention to examine the interactive actions of meal glycaemic load on the dynamic responses of the plasma metabolome in overweight females.
- Postmenopausal women with a mean age of 63 yeras ingested two differing high-carbohydrate test meals (73 g carbohydrate; 51% energy) composed of either low glycemic index or high glycemic index foods in a randomised sequence.
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Apr 22nd 2023
Here, high intakes of sugar sweetened beverages were associated with higher all cause mortality, cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality, while intakes of coffee, tea, water and low fat milk were inversely associated with all cause mortality in adults with type 2 diabetes. Image
- This study prospectively investigated individual beverage consumption after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as changes in individual beverage consumption before and after the diagnosis, in relation to subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality...
...among adults with type 2 diabetes participating in the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study in the United States.
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