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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Mar 12, 2023, 6 tweets

Part 3 ! weeks/months/year recap
1/ Day week recap for Russians alleged losses and Ukraine alleged losses

2/ recap of the week and projection of remaining forces if rate loss still remain on the same "slope" (pente) -
stats in weeks.

3/ recap of past weeks reported losses for Ru troops by gen staff datas

4/ recap for the months (which is a bit diff from weeks.. as the count is from the 24th to the 23rd of next month)

5/ visualizing the Ru alleged losses (men & materials/vehicles etc) by graphics (for the ones who have difficulties with only numbers..)
thanks to friend @tomchros1

6/ my Excel sheet recap about alleged #RussianLosses & #UkraineLosses

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