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Mar 13, 2023, 5 tweets

According the Minister of Information & Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed.
Under the Conditional Cash Transfer, some 64,607 vulnerable people have benefitted in Adamawa alone, while Trader Moni and Market Moni have reached a total of 38,000 in the State.

The North East Development Commission (NEDC) has either completed or is currently working on 140 projects, including construction of classrooms, healthcare facilities and ICT training centers in Adamawa alone.

Throughout the period that Boko Haram held away in 5 LGs in Adamawa Northern Senatorial District, former VP Atiku couldn't even go home.
But now he can travel home freely, thanks to President Buhari's administration effort in curbing terrorism.

In the area of Social Investment Programmes, there have been 29,641 beneficiaries from Adamawa alone from the N-Power Programme of the Buhari's Admin.
Under the Home Grown School Feeding Programme, some 162,782 pupils from Adamawa are benefitting from one meal a day.……

Before this Administration came into power.
5 LG areas in Adamawa Northern Senatorial District were effectively under the control of Boko Haram terrorists.
All States institutions had been sacked.
But this is no longer so, today.

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