Dadhichi Rishi donated his bones for the protection of Dharma. Three bows were made from his bones:-
1. Gandiva 2. Sharang 3. Pinaka
Out of which Arjuna got Gandiva, on whose strength Arjuna won the war of Mahabharata.
Lord Rama fought with Sharang and destroyed the tyrannical kingdom of Ravana.
And, Pinaka was with Lord Shiva which was sought by Ravana from the Bhagwan Shiva through penance.
But due to not being able to carry his load for a long time, he had left it in Janakpuri in the middle of the way.
Sitaji used to serve this Pinak daily. It was only after breaking Pinaka that Bhagwan Rama married Mata Sita.
A Vajra named Ekghani was also made from the bones of Brahmarshi Dadhichi, which was received by Bhagwan Indra.
Pleased with Karna's penance, Indra had given this Ekghani Vajra to Karna. In the battle of Mahabharata, Ghatotkacha, the great son of Bhima, was killed by Karna with this Vajra.
Many other weapons were made from his bones. The only message of Dadhichi's bone donation was "O brave Hindus, take up arms and fight against injustice and tyranny and protect your Dharma".
Hail to Satya Sanatan Dharma 🙏
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