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Mar 14, 2023, 27 tweets

THREAD: Proof that you are a Nazi if you don't #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

On February 7, 2023, OAN researched the claims of biolabs named Metabiota in Ukraine and the possibility that they were a reason that Russia decided to attack Ukraine. OAN was able to verify & link Joe and Hunter Biden to these claims.


Metabiota produces bio agents under diplomatic cover at "secret" labs, then sells pandemic insurance and trackers to help countries get ahead of what they are putting out. Company part of Pentagon's DRTA Program as well as funded by Rosemont Seneca
(Hunter Biden).

"Hunter Biden and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology. He helped secure Million$ of Funding for Pentagon contractor Metabiota specializing in research on “pandemic diseases” that could be used as bioweapons." @TinoBambino3

On May 17, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defense presented "possible evidence" that the US is developing biological weapons in Ukraine. Russia claimed that Ukrainian scientists identified six families of viruses, including COVID-19.

Biden-Ukraine Timeline…

On February 28, 2022, Russian Economist Valentin Katasonov: “America Besieged Russia By Placing Bio-Labs In Surrounding Countries; The Goal Of Russia's Operation In Ukraine Is To Eliminate These Labs.”

🚨CLICK the ALT button on the photos in this thread for citations and info.🚨

Let's go back in time....

On November. 24, 2004 - Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said Wednesday that the voting in Ukraine's presidential election was riddled with fraud and that the United States could not accept a victory by Victor F. Yanukovich as legitimate

On February 4, 2015, an article from left-leaning The Guardian announced Ukraine as the most corrupt nation in Europe. It is worth noting that this is after 3 elections that were riddled with claims of fraud within four elections by 2015.

Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index of 2019 made Ukraine 120th out of 182 countries, Thus making it the second most corrupt country in Europe.

A Freedom House survey from the same year assessed the level of corruption in Ukraine as only slightly better.

On February 24 2023, western media and politicians spoke about the "anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine". Which, in reality, is not the case. The conflict in Ukraine started in 2014 when Ukraine launched bombs against civilians in the People's Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

On June 2, 2014, Ukrainian aircraft struck the center of Luhansk, killing 8 people and badly wounding 28 more.

This is how the Ukrainian conflict started in Luhansk (the battle in Donetsk began on May 26, 2014, when Ukrainian troops destroyed the city's airport).

For 8 years Ukrainians have lived with hostility and conflict while the West stood idly by. According to the UN, more than 14,000 have died in the Russia-Ukraine war — 3,000 of them civilians. This is an active war that has continued unabated while everyone was unbothered.

On March 2, 2022, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia's ambassador to the U.N., criticized other countries including the U.S. for failing to condemn the 2014 overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich, the pro-Russian Ukrainian president who was ousted by Ukraine's government after months of protest.

On July 6, 2022, published an article, that lists a timeline of events where the CIA not only infiltrated Ukraine but also influenced their political structure and led to an increased NATO alliance.

CC Big Fella:@AdamKinzinger…

On July 29 2022, Sky News Australia covered the Ukrainian civil war that began in 2015. They also spoke on some of the many war crimes that Zelensky has committed, their Nazi ties and how the United States have been provoking Russia with Ukraine.

I support the PEOPLE of Ukraine

On April 30, 2014, The Guardian claimed that Russia was not to blame for the Ukrainian war but an attempt to rally Kyiv behind western nations "by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain." If Ukraine has nothing to hide, why would media transparency vanish? #NAFOArticle5

After Volodymyr Zelensky won the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election, many Ukrainians were in disbelief due to his staggering 73.22% win in the 2nd round. They initially took his election as a joke. "Zelensky was known for being an actor and comedian, not a politician."


On January 8, 2021, a TIME Magazine journalist went to Ukraine to investigate the Azov Assault Brigade, a Ukrainian Nazi battalion within their armed forces. TIME not only verified these allegations but they also recorded them. It has been reported that the Azov is 3x in size now

President Putin has claimed that he ordered the invasion of Ukraine to “denazify” its government, while the same media outlets that verified Nazi existence in Ukraine are calling Putin's claim propaganda. Let your eyes judge for you.


The citizens of the world are being given a false view of the war in Ukraine. I don't support Putin for the same reason I don't support Zelensky, they're dictators that don't support free speech and freedom. Here are just a few of the civilians killed by the Zelensky regime.

Feb 2022, Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's: Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West cause "we have fun killing" We have started wars"We have the most Javelins in European continent, Maidan would've been a gay parade if not for Nazi influence"

On October 12, 2019, WorldStar Hip-Hop released a video of a black man being forced to eat a banana at a Ukrainian supermarket while they called him a monkey.

Ukraine claims there is racism everywhere but this IS NOT HAPPENING IN AMERICA or our military. cc: @malachimaxeyusa

On February 27, 2022, @AttorneyCrump, the lawyer that represented George Floyd and his family revealed that a black 2-month-old baby and hundreds of black refugees were refused access to the Ukraine-Polland border. Americans are universally against racism, this cannot be ignored.

It'd cost the U.S. $5.6B for a border wall vs. the $11B that Democrats suggested. Democrats said we did not have the funds to build a wall that would have addressed our real pandemic, opioid overdoses. We gave Ukraine more than half of their $200.9B GDP with $113B. cc:@brix_rosa

Ukraine states that America has a Nazi problem, but you won't find ONE photo or article linking Nazis to an American military unit. That is the difference between their lies and our truths. We don't have a Nazi problem, Ukraine does:

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Wow! I got these Nazis mad don’t I? They want to discredit me and send out racial slurs. “It started with OAN” and it ended with your leader. I cite left and right media. People are tired of the sham. You bots are just making me bigger we are laughing at you. 😂

Slava Ukraine! Is that how I say it Nazis? This is my 23rd THREAD. I have fried bigger fish than Nazis. Leave our money alone, you have almost every media on your side. Why do you care about what one black has to say? You people really are Nazis. Discrediting me because I was……

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