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🌐 YouTube nerd that runs 18 Faceless channels with 2.5 million subscribers. - Talking about & building tools like @nexlevio for the YouTube (faceless) industry

Mar 14, 2023, 10 tweets

ChatGTP + Google trends for youtube research is BROKEN.

Here is how I've been secretly using this combination to 10X my youtube topic and niche research efficiency!

Strap in cause this is a MUST-read.

Even though chatGTP data is limited to September 2021 you can still get some really interesting insights by using google trends in two different ways.

1. Comparing audience demographics across topics.
2. Comparing relative trend scores across a large set of topics.

1 - Comparing audience demographic across topics.

Say you run a channel discussing drama on reality TV shows. You know the show "90-day fiance" has an 8$ RPM and performs well on your channel.

This is how i would use on Chat GTP to find shows with similar RPM and audience that will most likely perform similarly to 90 days fiance.

By entering the prompt seen in the screenshot i can more efficiently find shows with a similar geographical audience. As well as compare the popularity of 20 entries in one click.

All prompts used in this thread can be found in the -Twitter section in my discord server:…

- Furthermore, you can even make this research MORE specific.

Say there are specific states or countries that have more positive metrics than others.

(Watch out with this one all these data points are relative, try to look at views as much as you can)

By knowing which geographical places respond well to your content you can make your research more targeted.

Example of a crime-related channel:

I'm just scratching the service of what you could do with this combination. Make sure to just play around with your own variations of the prompt and see what you can find yourself!

Anyway, that's a wrap!

Please retweet + follow @noahmorriz for more insightful ideas.

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