Noah Morris Profile picture
🌐 YouTube nerd that runs 18 Faceless channels with 2.5 million subscribers. - Talking about & building tools like @nexlevio for the YouTube (faceless) industry
Dec 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Here are my favorite thumbnail trends of Q4 2023

1. The analytics thumbnail

Often applied to: Self-improvement niche, Make money online niche, Science niche Image 2. The Lemmino red or blue 3D object thumbnail

Often applied to: Documentary channels. Image
Dec 11, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵 This SIMPLE 5-step Process Helps me generate viral YouTube ideas.

Let's first ask ourselves.

How are good ideas generated on a fundamental level?

It might seem obvious yet a lot of people get it wrong.

So let's explore! Image 1. Gathering raw materials

First, an idea is formed by actively collecting information, both specific (directly related to your channel's niche) and general (broad and diverse channels). Image
Dec 5, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
🧵I'm most likely going to sell a large amount of my YouTube channels.

Here's why. Image DISCLAIMER: The following thought process is more relevant to me than it is for beginners. I'm in a different stage of my journey on YouTube so what follows does not apply for most.
Nov 23, 2023 38 tweets 10 min read
🧵Getting 250 Million Views on YouTube is EASY

If you look at YouTube as a trader.

and not as a "YouTuber"

Let me explain Image Here is what you'll learn in 4 minutes of reading.

• How to never enter a saturated niche again
• Understand why some channels don't get views anymore
• Think like a YouTube PRO
Nov 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm losing out on tens of thousands of dollars on YouTube.


Because I (like many others) suffer from:

✨ Shiny object syndrome ✨

So after a chat with @IAmAndrewKirby about it, I decided to look into fixing it.

Here are the best tips I found. Image 1️⃣ Stay accountable: Surround yourself with people who keep you on track.

It's easy to go after a shiny new niche, format, or video without having fully tested the one you are currently doing. So make sure you have a support group that isn't afraid to point it out to you!
Oct 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
💸Faceless YouTube channel idea that can make you $100.000+ p/m
(But it's gonna take a lot of work.)

1. Research the 3D niche

2. Find an outlier format like the one on these channels:

3. Brainstorm topics around: I created [X Game, X Character ] but it's 3D

(Read more)

4. Work out the thumbnail + title for the first 2-3 videos.

5. Contact 3d game devs, or 3d designers. Pitch them the channel idea 50/50 + a flat fee or just straight up hire them from Fiverr or Upwork Image
Sep 19, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
🧵- This common YouTube mistake cost me $63,000+

How to not lose your YouTube channels because you don't understand fair use!

Take 2-3 minutes to read cause understanding fair use correctly will potentially save you thousands of $$ Image 🔵 DISCLAIMER: I’m not a legal expert. My insights come from years of experience and consultations with professionals.
Aug 16, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
This channel I started in July will generate ~$15-$25k a month.

I do this by identifying viral formats on YouTube by looking at patterns of outliers. Then bringing those over to new niches and topics.

Here is a 7-step guide on how you can do the same! Image 1. Understanding what my personal definition of a format is.

When I say "format" I'm referring to the stylistic and structural approach to presenting content.

A video topic is content centered around a specific subject, regardless of its format. Image
Mar 21, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I lost $40,000 a month in youtube channel revenue because someone FALSELY struck one of my channels 3 times.

Here is the youtube management structure that prevented me from losing another 90k per month worth of youtube channels. Image DISCLAIMER: This is a real situation, we are taking legal action against the person behind the email that is imitating to be warner bros.

Also, this is quite an advanced structure to use, it's not meant for exploiting guidelines so please keep that in mind.
Mar 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
ChatGTP + Google trends for youtube research is BROKEN.

Here is how I've been secretly using this combination to 10X my youtube topic and niche research efficiency!

Strap in cause this is a MUST-read. Image Even though chatGTP data is limited to September 2021 you can still get some really interesting insights by using google trends in two different ways.

1. Comparing audience demographics across topics.
2. Comparing relative trend scores across a large set of topics. Image
Feb 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
5 AI tools I ACTUALLY use to help grow my YouTube channels
from 0 to millions of views per month!

(Thread) Image 1. Icons8 Upscaler

This is an AI image upscale I use to enhance faces for thumbnails. Image
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
CTR is the biggest Scam in the youtube industry.

I often get questions like: What's a good CTR?
Or my CTR is really high why is my video not going viral?

I'll be sitting behind my laptop like this:
Here is why. Image So let's talk about the first question.

What's a good average CTR?

In short, there is no such thing as a "good" average CTR
a lot of gurus and YouTubers will say: On average: a 5% CTR is good, a 10% + CTR is great, and a 15% + CTR is amazing.

But this is simply false.
Feb 7, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Here are 3 Faceless youtube niches that CAN earn you 3,000$ within 10 videos:

Disclaimer: These are niches i THINK have decent potential. I have NOT tested them. Image 1. Snooker moments

There are multiple channels currently popping off with this format. This specific one started 6 months ago. But there are some that started 1-3 weeks ago that already have millions of views. (i checked and this channel is monetized) Image
Feb 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm revealing one of my FAILED Faceless YouTube Channels
(Link at the bottom of thread)

I'll be sharing ALL the analytics Image But first, why am i sharing this?

Obviously, i often share success stories, but I definitely have had A LOT of channels fail. Currently, around 70% of the channels i start become profitable (4-5k + a month in revenue minimum)
Dec 15, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
I doubled my YouTube ad earnings by increasing my CPM!

Wondering how I did it?

No worries, here are the 3 methods I used to increase my CPM. Image *Disclaimer: These methods won't work for every single situation or channel. So please take these with a pinch of salt!

Also, I took the end-of-year CPM Spikes into consideration.
Dec 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
97.5% Of YouTube Videos fail because the topic was BAD

So here are my top 5 tools and methods you use to make sure your video is a 1/10 every time! 5. Google trends

Not sure which topic to choose? see which one has the most relative volume by entering them into google trends.

This way you can see which topic has the most relevance.
Dec 12, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Faceless channels > Normal YouTube creators!

Across the 40 faceless channels that I've started, it took me on average: 2 months to gain 10k subscribers.

While regular YouTubers often take 2-6x as long to get the same results!

So what do faceless creators know that you don't? *Disclaimer: I don't actually think faceless channels are better than regular creators. Just wanted you to open this thread and learn why faceless creators are good at STARTING channels 😉
Oct 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I grew this channel from 0 to 10,000 with 4 videos.

How? Well, I used the most underrated piece of advice for youtube.

high school economics - Demand & Supply.

I find niches on youtube that have high demand and low supply. Which I then create a channel around. Image This is how you find out if there is little supply in your niche.