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Mar 15, 2023, 23 tweets

🧵seyfer x a closer look at the last scene of episode 23 - shot by shot, words, messages 🫀

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

S: Do you want to spend your life with someone you could never trust? “Trust” is the biggest problem seyfer always face. Not trusting each other, each other’s feelings and words. Reflection on the traumas their families caused them and on the fact they didn’t start as a normal +

couple where they were in a relationship that led to a marriage. They didn’t go trough the gain my trust process. They just sorta had to learn how to run this marriage while not knowing each other and facing their diferencies. +

Ferit standing behind the door listening Seyran and Suna is parallel to other two other situations/stages in their relationship. Ferit learning about Yusuf for the first time. Seyran hearing parts of his and P story and F words: I didn’t want to marry Seyran.+

And here we are again but now when their feelings are on the table. The key word in her sentence is “your life”. Ferit is destroyed by that. The first and only woman he loves with whom he had dreams to get old doesn’t see future for them. +

The teary eyes, the breath he took. The look of realisation is there - She really means till the rest of our lives. She doesn’t believe my love. He is totally destroyed. +

F: Let’s solve this Seyran[..]stay either way your sister doesn’t share anything with me[..]bc in her eyes I’m not trust worthy I’m selfish..F biggest fear is S seeing him in this way bc this is how his family portrays him and he hates it. Hearing these kind of words activate + twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

his trust issues for Seyran’s sincerity. First bc she didn’t share the problem with him when he gave her the chance, second the moment Ferit feels like he is not understood for his actions he becomes cruel and isolates himself. Starting to doubt her feelings for him+

Leading us to another parallel from episode 8 where they were in pretty similar position S: You are vile and the most selfish and wretched man I have ever seen. Same reaction from F- fear, tears..This also prepares the viewers that F will again push buttons +

F: What do you want from me? You ask me to try. I’m trying. I don’t hide my feelings from you. What should I do so you can trust me? Ferit’s problem is not facing his past it’s the fact that Seyran doesn’t trust his love now +

S is trying to avoid confrontation bc like she said to Suna earlier at the end they always fight and hurt themselves a lot. But F doesn’t have patience. He clearly stated his feelings and intentions. He wants love: If you won’t trust me why I’m trying? +

F: Say it bc you are right one can’t live like this forever. He wants her to hear how painful the words sound. Even though his intention is to cause the same pain as contrast to old F where he was more cruel here we see a trembling voice that can barely finish the sentence +

S: I said I can’t find a solution Ferit. On the contrary to what F thinks S also wants love and to move on but now is harder than ever. Bc now it’s not about the forced arranged marriage they put them in, it’s about their love that was born only between the two of them +

The problem sadly circles back to their relationship starting backwards. They didn’t have the time to remove the “others” from their lives, to try and change. That’s why here both are right for themselves. S not to fully trust F bc P is still very much in his life although +

in another form but yet there when he knows that is hurting S. F to be hurt she doesn’t believe his love. Bc he really loved no other and he just wants to hear these words from her too +

F crying, trembling and his deep pauses between words are a call for her to stop. The most he fears - loosing her. F is an await for her to stop him, give him a sign before he says the rest: If you can’t trust me and know how you would spend +

your life with me then don’t do it Seyran. Seyran’s change in expression demonstrates she senses where everything is going..+

F: Let’s get a divorce. Let it all end. Bitmez oyun, bitmez oyun - endless game. The lyrics of the song perfectly describing seyfer’s relationship. F said these words not bc he wants a divorce but bc he wants to test her. The ultimate trust test and choice +

If you really want to be with me there’s only one clear way - you trust me and give me your heart and I do the same. Full devotion not bc of the rest but for us. “Life is a journey with unknown beginning and with a mysterious end. You neither can stop nor go back”. They can’t +

change their beginning but can write the future they want. From all of the flashback scenes only one contained other people- the day they got married, all other were only both of them illustrating that there was before and after in this relationship +

Another interesting detail is the scene containing Suna in it. We started this marriage story with her as she had to be the one marrying F to her being here now when the end of this marriage is being discussed and she is trying to save it. +

The chosen words to be played also have meaning. F: What do you know about happiness? You need pain. S: I’m enjoying it so much seeing you suffering. The from enemies to +

almost lovers era - “F: Do you want to see me experiencing other feelings? S: We would see who exactly is jealous” to all the scenes forwarding to now to lovers era. #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

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