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Mar 15, 2023, 7 tweets

🧵#SyncSwap Testnet Thread

@syncswap announced that the SyncSwap Era #Testnet is now live on the #zkSync Era testnet.

ZKsync is already in hype for it's airdrop possibility and this could also be a factor for being eligible for #zksync #airdrop too.

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SyncSwap is a seamless decentralized exchange (DEX) on zkSync Era by @the_matter_labs

It is Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap brings more people easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security.

At First Get some Zksync Era Goeri Eth

✅Go here :
✅Connect Metamask
✅Clik Request on Fund from Faucet

➡️Bridge Goerli Eth to Zksync Eth from here

Claiming Faucet from Syncswap Website

1️⃣ Go to :
2️⃣ Click on Faucet
3️⃣ Click get tokens


1️⃣ Go here :
2️⃣ Choose token pairs for swap
3️⃣ Click on unlock oken
4️⃣ Now swap

Perform some swaps in between tokens which we claimed form Syncswap Faucet

Token Pool

1️⃣ Go here :
2️⃣ Click New Position
3️⃣ Select any token pair
4️⃣ Then go to deposit
5️⃣ Input deposit amount and hit deposit


1️⃣ Go to withdraw
2️⃣ Select any percentage of Lp for withdrawal
3️⃣ Click on withdraw


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✅If you have Any Update, DM us on Twitter💌

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