SheLooksItUp:AbsolutelyUncommnAnalysis~DVFamCourts Profile picture
Cults&Cartels #FamilyCourtReformists #DVRN+ #WelfareReformUSA #HMRF. #AFCC #NCJFCJ #BWJP #CAFCASS #NuffieldFJO =Posts. MyVoice

Mar 15, 2023, 24 tweets

These tags & last thread of interest not just to #familyCourtReform people or #DVsurvivors but also as earlier today, re: #JeffSkoll #eBay #SVCF #SVB (banks & big tech VCS) #MegWhitman #Omidyar (Who owns/runs major media & tech platform issues), Immediately prev thread contxt

My 2018 Exposes, HowTo, Drilldowns etc. We s/n be afraid to tangle with big-bucks Forms990 (I did Tides & SFVC AND their supporting/related orgs). Usually I include internal links to related topics too.

Just now I am again in housing transition (a.k.a. Homeless) as I was in 2018, but at least not in California. #FiduciaryAbuse directly involved which I have to face & handle, while in this condition. Yes, it’s intimidating, as intended to be. It’s a control tactic.

I think I mis-use the word “tag” on here. I’m not talking tagging photos or attachmts but simply addressing to diff’t people in the body of the tweet. Next tweet lists a bunch of (they may think) UNrelated people, but my blog shows the intersections. Then I’ll do the images.

From one of those three blog posts from about 4.5 years ago. NB: My “Donate” button (it doesn’t link to a nonprofit, just me ℅ PayPal account) any amounts (PayPal takes a small% so over $10 would help) deeply appreciated. I do want to publish..

( Usually I include internal links to related topics too.)

(My voice, my point of view about the same, some entities have changed their names and rebranded, and some databases too…)

All images come from published WordPress posts, ALL are designed to click and zoom (it’s just me talking, most of the time, complete sentences and thoughts with uploaded media in a level of detail I know I can’t keep dedicating that much time to now. FYI I’m a senior…)…

10/ (One-up images, cont’d. Screenshots may have some markings but most don’t). This one features some people who HAVE followed financials impacting #FamilyCourts & NOT done the cover-up routine.


If you’re not an “image reader” it might actually be easier just to read the posts. I have the short-links above. Post titles also informative. I know images (vs. interactive media) less effective, but that’s what I have available presently.

#SeeMyBlog (these are Aug. 2018) DETAILED Drill-downs in both example and talking about how & why I did them. TidesFoundations, SiliconValleyFoundation in particular.
I feature certain terms ℅ #IRS..

Which I think should be in more common usage on-line when talking about (ANY) cause. There are some transferable terms of course to other countries, but not 100% and when going the “Functionalist” “Global” #UN_SDGs #UNSDGs which the millionaire/billionaires love to talk,

more than about their own total controlled income-producing assets and where they’re held (while funding nonprofits AND universities public & private prone to running #BehavioralModification RCTs (controlled trials on “what works’) on the masses #BIPs #BatterersIntervention

Emphasize motive and associations more than the level of private wealth which, proportionately (being so much of it tax-exempt) DOES in fact harm us when it clouds, obfuscates and confuses cause-based sales & marketing with public accountability. I’ve noticed a move away from

… operating primarily or only tax-exempt into claiming it’s OK — just fine — to do this the #HarvardBainBridgespan way, that is — (It’s a tag on the blog), coach, coach, mentor, replicate, and control the conversations, keep it OFF collectively controlled wealth.

18/Next few images (from .. Guess that was supposed to be a capital “X” but this post also meant to find (why: #CreditSuisse shares (no, I have none) I heard, @FT today, dropped after SaudiNationalBank (owns 10%) said “no more.”

The last 3 characters are case-sensitive as you can see:
Also I THINK my own post had the wrong short-link !. Look (Archive calendar widget works) for July 31, 2018, and this title:
That’s a good post (many sections); I will return to correct that 3rd of 3 shown above later

This part refs something pitched to the C.I.R. (Dba REVEAL)…& a smaller nonprofit & LLC featured by #CenterForJudicialExcellence (KathleenRussell) back then.


Finally. Also, note: the Calif. Business Search database NO LONGER gives this level of clarity for the same search process as I got in 2018, I’d asked them once why, said it was “in transition” but for how long?
All key info (except the pdf content

Is clear and easy to read, i.e., font large enough, not too much clutter. That was just 2nd level of detail on a basic info search. 3rd level was to (individually) click on any (ideally all) pdfs. Now, the 2nd (actually, it’s a 3rd, after clicking on “history”) shows less.

If you are in Calif, have used this database to LOOK (not just file or incorporate) & have feedback, please let me know. I don’t feel comfortable w/ level of privacy I still need personally to write them officially about it.

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