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Mar 16, 2023, 20 tweets

1/Today we look at the Greatest Banner Project in Web 3 History

Why will this collection stand the test of time?

"The #MidnightBreeze Manifesto"

A 🧵


@Dutchtide is an artist from the Netherlands who

created @DutchtideStudio, a native Multimedia Web3 Design Studio in Sept 2020


Dutchtide focuses on the Japanese word Ma 間 the concept of negative space

With the aim of bringing Japan and the Netherlands together under one brand

4/Art Style

In 2018, inspired by Vaporwave themes, Dutchtide created Gas Station and his style was born

Epitomised by neon colors, vague vocal points and emptiness


In early 2021 Dutchtide had the idea to create a Gen Art Banner Project where Ma 間 and Vaporwave would converge

with each element hand painted in a 90's anime aesthetic


Midnight Breeze is about a lonely road

1 where you the viewer are the last awake at night, the silent street, the sense of loneliness as you feel a soft Midnight Summer Breeze brush your face..

A strange world, filled with stories and mystery

7/Sprirts walk the night listlessly. Cars left running on the side of the road

Shops, lights bright and doors open stand hollow and empty of people

Beasts and figures walk, stirring wonder and emotion

We don't know exactly what is happening, thats up to you to figure out...


Midnight Breeze minted on Dec 2011 as a set with 130 different assets

After 45 minute all 6969 Breeze sold out in a unique mint experience created by @Capko8

9/Zen & Futurist

Each Breeze is assigned a Future and Zen score

There are 2 worlds at play; the spirit world and the futuristic world

Some are more Zen while others are more Futurist


Each Breeze is seen as a unique piece of art or 1/1

This allows holders to choose banners that they connect with personally

11/Hidden Traits

Dutchtide also included special hidden traits that are not listed in the metadata such as the hidden denza

The community is still not sure whether they have all been discoverd


Breeze has given the community and aesthetics priority by allowing each holder

1 vote a day to vote for Breezes they think look great and create a ranking for the collection


Dutchtide has a specific philosophy to create value for holders


Prints were made available for holders on Sept 17 2022

Source: @derakmandious

15/Midnight Breeze Version 2

Dutchtide is currently working on animating the collection

These will be free to all holders of V1 and will allow them to mint an animated version of their Breeze

16/V2 Concept


"Midnight Breeze V2 is focused on creating an immersive story that's non linear. Something that's not been done before in Web3 or to my knowledge ever"

Imagine a short scene exploring the setting of your Breeze with clips like this one


Dutchtide is incredibly transparent detailing all funding on the website

There is currently a breakdown of expected profit and costs of producing V2

Funds have been kept in stables to sustain the studio long term


The collection has a number of OG #CryptoPunks, @Azuki and @RTFKT holders

@Pranksy and @J1mmyeth are large holders with Pranksy owning over 100 Breezes


1. Artist
2. Concept
3. Art Style
4. Vision
5. Midnight Breeze
6. Mint
7. Zen & Futurist
8. Rarity
9. Hidden Traits
10. Rankings
11. Value
12. Prints
13. Midnight Breeze Version 2
14. V2 Concept
15. Funding
16. Collectors

20/Thanks for reading❤❤❤

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