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Security Researcher | Elevating the Community Through Accessible Technical Content

Mar 16, 2023, 14 tweets

Ursnif Loader (Javascript) - Manual Decoding Using Cyberchef

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#Cyberchef #Decoding #Ursnif #Malware

[1.1] A quick summary/TLDR before we get started

- Remove comments (manually or using regex)
- Remove "split" strings (manually or using regex)
- Remove obfuscated numbers
- (optional) Rename Variables
- Apply beautifier and syntax highlight

[2] First, I downloaded the sample from Malware Bazaar and loaded it into a safe analysis VM.

You can find the same sample hereโ€ฆ

[3] Next, I unzipped and loaded the file into #cyberchef.
Immediately I noticed a few things...

1. The file is very large (Almost 7MB)
2. The file begins with a long comment, which appears to contain junk text.
3. There is some "real" code inbetween the comments

[4] To proceed, I used a regex to remove the long text junk between the comment markers /* and */.

This would remove any sequence of 1000 or more characters.

This reduced the #obfuscated script to 939 bytes.

[5] Next, I used a regex to remove the remaining comments.

The #regex I used would remove any comment markers /* or */, as well as any whitespace (\s) inbetween.

Note that I had to escape (\) the (*) in the comment markers to prevent them being interpreted as wildcards.

[6] At this point, several IOC's are visible and the code is mostly readable.

But there are some annoying spaces that remain inside the C2 url, and more scattered throughout the code

[7] To fix the C2 string, I used a regex to remove any instances of plus (\+) surrounded by double quotes ("). Allowing for any (*) whitespace (\s) inbetween.

(The escape (\+) is needed as + is a special character in regex)

[8] At this point, you could apply "javascript beautifier" and "syntax highlighter" and have a pretty readable script with easy to recognize IOC's.

You could very comfortably stop here in a real life analysis situation.

[9] Bonus Tip: Dealing with math

There are some mildly obfuscated numbers remaining within the code.

[10] These are relatively simple to recognize and fix manually.

But thanks to a tip from @mattnotmax, I found that you can instead do this in bulk using cyberchef.

Below is a simple subtract operation using #cyberchef.

[11] Using Regex, it's possible to locate all of these obfuscated numbers automatically.

"Regular Expression + Highlight Matches" is a great way to test out that a regex is working as intended

[12] Once you have a working #regex - "Subsection" can be used to apply future operations to ONLY items matching your regex

TLDR: We can execute math on only the math parts within the code.

Below, we can see this in action.

[13] At this point, the code is essentially clean. Albeit for a few obfuscated variable names.

This is a relatively manual process, which *can* be done in cyberchef, but is better suited for a text editor. I'll leave this as an exercise and a potential future thread :)

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