Matthew Profile picture
Security Researcher, Creating and Sharing Educational Content. Threat Researcher @SilentPush
May 28, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Three Simple Methods For Analysing Malicious Documents

A quick overview of olevba, Microsoft Word, and Procmon for analysing malware documents and extracting embedded macro content.

[1/10] 🧵

#malware #maldocs

2/ You first need to obtain a maldoc.

For this analysis we'll be using a malicious document related to #MuddyWater. Which was initially shared in a post by @suyog41.…
May 21, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
🚩Malware Analysis - Decoding a Latrodectus Loader Script

➡️Let's look at a recent Latrodectus loader that uses junk comments to confuse analysis and hide malicious code.

[1/11] 🧵
#malware #cyberchef

2/ Obtaining The Sample

The initial script can be found on Malware Bazaar with SHA256: 71fb25cc4c05ce9dd94614ed781d85a50dccf69042521abc6782d48df85e6de9
Mar 24, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
Malware Deobfuscation With DnSpy and CyberChef 👨‍🍳

Let's look at some beginner tips for identifying encrypted data with DnSpy.

We'll then utilise CyberChef to recreate the decryption and obtain the address of the C2 server.

[1/12] 🧵

#malware #cyberchef
[2/] Finding encrypted strings

Config values are often initialised (and decrypted) early in execution. Hence the Entry Point is a great place to begin looking.

(In Dnspy, we can select a loaded file and use "Go To Entry Point")

Jan 2, 2024 25 tweets 14 min read
🔥Lumma Stealer - Manually Unpacking and Extracting C2's 🔥

Let's analyse a Lumma malware sample and manually unpack it with Dnspy and x32dbg.

We'll then leverage Ghidra and x32dbg to locate and decrypt four C2 addresses.

[1/24] 🖊️

#Malwareanalysis #Ghidra

1/ The initial sample can be found on Malware Bazaar

You can download it here if you'd like to follow along…
Dec 30, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
How to Increase Your Engagement on Cyber-related Twitter Content ✏️

Tips and tricks learnt from writing about #malware on Twitter for 18 months😄

[1/9] 1/ Optimal Post Structure

Statement -> Explanation -> Conclusion

I've found this general flow is the easiest to create and for readers to follow. It follows the 1-2-1 structure by @Nicolascole77

If you don't yet have a post style/structure, this is a great place to start. Image
Dec 21, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
🔬Defeating Obfuscated .HTA Scripts to Obtain Cobalt Strike Shellcode 🔬

Let's look at Cyberchef, Manual Deobfuscation, Multi-stage script analysis and finally emulation to obtain a decoded C2.


2/ The analysis begins with obfuscated .hta script obtained from Malware Bazaar.

You can obtain the file here if you want to follow along.…
Dec 20, 2023 18 tweets 10 min read
🥷Defeating Obfuscated Malware 🥷

Today we take a look at a heavily obfuscated visual basic script containing Shellcode.

We'll use Regex, #Cyberchef and a Text Editor to deobfuscate #malware.


[2/] Initial #Malware Analysis

The initial script contains a mix of obfuscated and readable code.

The readable code contains references to Excel and Wscript. Image
Dec 6, 2023 18 tweets 11 min read
🐉Manual Shellcode Analysis Using Ghidra and x32dbg 🐉

17 tips for getting started with manual shellcode analysis (no relying on emulation to do the hard work 💪).

#Malware #Ghidra

[2/] Obtaining the Sample

If you want to follow along, you can obtain the sample from #Malware Bazaar using the link below.…
Aug 24, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
🔥Malware Analysis with @HuntressLabs 🔥

Watch as we analyse a bloated (1.5GB) Golang file and dynamically extract an Xworm payload.

We'll touch on Procmon, Process Hacker, Entropy Analysis, Debloating, Breakpoints, Debuggers and lots more🤠

[1/14] 🧵

#Malware #Golang

[2/] If you'd like to follow along, the initial file can be downloaded here.…
Aug 16, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
I've been playing around with Module Stomping for EDR Evasion

This is a cool technique for bypassing detection by overwriting "legitimate" memory regions.

Let's see what it looks like from a #Malware and RE Perspective



Module Stomping Source Code - From Sektor7 - @Sektor7net
Basic Process Injection - Viewed in Process Hacker
Detecting Process Injection - Viewed in Process Hacker
Module Stomping Enabled - What it looks like in Process Hacker
[2/25] The core concept of Module Stomping is to avoid creating a new regions for storing Shellcode, and instead leverage existing sections within a legitimate library.

This can significantly reduce memory artifacts and reduce the likelihood of successful #detection.
Jul 11, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
Safely investigating a ransomware hosting site using Censys and GrabbrApp 😄

I'll show how to confirm that a "clean" IP was hosting ransomware. You'll also get to see some cool hunting queries and methods for safely downloading malware files.

Thread 👇

#Censys #malware

[2/] I started with some @censysio queries that I've previously published on my site.

The query in this case was looking for #powershell scripts contained in #python based open directories.…
Jun 28, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
A collection of incredible (non-corporate) malware analysis and reverse engineering blogs that I have personally enjoyed over the years.

All focused on education and knowledge sharing of malware/RE topics.

[1/14] 🧵
(In no particular order)

#malware #education [2/14] @_n1ghtw0lf for incredible reverse engineering writeups. Including detailed examples of advanced tooling and scripting. eg x64dbg , #emulation and dotnet configuration extractors.
May 8, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
🚨Malware Tips 🚨 - Resolving API Hashes Using Conditional Breakpoints.

By adding breakpoints and log conditions to a function that resolves api hashes, it's possible to quickly resolve api hashes in bulk.

[1/11] 👇

#Malware #AgentTesla #Ghidra #Debugging ImageImageImage [1.1/11]
Link to original sample:…

Link to Full Blog:…
Mar 22, 2023 12 tweets 8 min read
🐀 AsyncRAT 🐀 - Defeating Obfuscation Using CyberChef

An overview of some advanced CyberChef tricks for decoding malware

[1/12] 🧵

#AsyncRAT #Decoding #CyberChef #Malware Decoding Decimal Values using cyberchefDecoding String Reverse Using CyberchefDecoding Replace Operations Using CyberChefExample of Using Registers and Regex to perform Replace Oper [2/] First, some links if you wish to follow along.

The Malware File:…

Links to CyberChef Recipes:…
Mar 16, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
Ursnif Loader (Javascript) - Manual Decoding Using Cyberchef

[1/13] 👇🧵

#Cyberchef #Decoding #Ursnif #Malware [1.1] A quick summary/TLDR before we get started

- Remove comments (manually or using regex)
- Remove "split" strings (manually or using regex)
- Remove obfuscated numbers
- (optional) Rename Variables
- Apply beautifier and syntax highlight
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
Potential #DanaBot Loader - De-Obfuscation using CyberChef and Python.


C2: 0/90 VT
Script: 5/59 VT

[1/5] 👇

#Regex #python #cyberchef #malware ImageImageImageImage [2/5] Note the initial script contains a large amount of junk comments to mask the "real" code.

These can be removed using #cyberchef and a short #regex.

Find and Replace
^(REM|').*\n ImageImage
Jan 16, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
(Possible) AsyncRat loader - Interesting regex to decode the obfuscated C2.

Script was found on host with an active #AsyncRat infection.

#malware #regex #decoding [1/6] The team at @HuntressLabs are still observing IronPython executables used to load #malware.

In these cases - IronPython (ipyw.exe) file is typically renamed to SupportTool.exe or Ctfmon.exe

Since ipyw.exe is "legitimate", the VT detection rate is very low (0/72).
Jan 3, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Setting up an analysis VM for reverse engineering?

Here are a few good tools (with short demos) that I recommend after running the Mandiant/FLARE script, (which installs 99% of tooling for you) 🔥

Garbageman, SpeakEasy, BlobRunner, Dumpulator

#Malware #RE #Analysis 2/ This is the Flare script from Mandiant. Simply running this script will install the majority of tools that you would ever need.

As a beginner RE or malware analyst, you can work comfortably using only the tools included in this script.…
Nov 14, 2022 22 tweets 11 min read
🐲 Ghidra Tips 🐲- Malware Encryption and Hashing functions often produce byte sequences that are great for #Yara rules.

Using #Ghidra and a Text Editor - You can quickly develop Yara rules to detect common malware families.
(Demonstrated with #Qakbot)

#Malware #RE [2/20]
Hashing and encryption functions make good targets for #detection as they are reasonably unique to each malware family and often contain lengthy and specific byte sequences due to the mathematical operations involved.

These characteristics make for good Yara rules 😁
Oct 18, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
🐲 Ghidra Tips🐲For Beginner/Intermediate analysts interested in RE.

These tips are aimed at making Ghidra more approachable and usable for beginners and intermediate analysts 😄

[1/9] 🧵

#Malware #RE #Ghidra 2/ The sample I'm using can be found here if you'd like to follow along. It is a cobalt strike DLL often found in Gootloader campaigns.…
Oct 2, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
#Qakbot Dumpulator Script has now been added to Github! 😀

This script is capable of dumping decrypted strings from the encrypted string table used by recent Qakbot malware.

1/ (notes and details below)
#malware #qakbot #dumpulator #RE ImageImageImageImage 2/ The script *should* work on the samples that I have provided in the readme, however you may need to change some register values to get it to work on different samples.

In particular, "dp.regs.ecx" and "dp.regs.esp+0x4" may need to be changed. As these ... Image