I've been playing around with Module Stomping for EDR Evasion
This is a cool technique for bypassing detection by overwriting "legitimate" memory regions.
Let's see what it looks like from a #Malware and RE Perspective
[2/25] The core concept of Module Stomping is to avoid creating a new regions for storing Shellcode, and instead leverage existing sections within a legitimate library.
This can significantly reduce memory artifacts and reduce the likelihood of successful #detection.
Jul 11, 2023 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
Safely investigating a ransomware hosting site using Censys and GrabbrApp 😄
I'll show how to confirm that a "clean" IP was hosting ransomware. You'll also get to see some cool hunting queries and methods for safely downloading malware files.
Thread 👇
#Censys #malware
[2/] I started with some @censysio queries that I've previously published on my site.
The query in this case was looking for #powershell scripts contained in #python based open directories. https://t.co/cMwbV3YGShembee-research.ghost.io/shodan-censys-…
Jun 28, 2023 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
A collection of incredible (non-corporate) malware analysis and reverse engineering blogs that I have personally enjoyed over the years.
All focused on education and knowledge sharing of malware/RE topics.
[1/14] 🧵
(In no particular order)
#malware #education
[2/14] @_n1ghtw0lf for incredible reverse engineering writeups. Including detailed examples of advanced tooling and scripting. eg x64dbg , #emulation and dotnet configuration extractors.
🐲 Ghidra Tips 🐲- Malware Encryption and Hashing functions often produce byte sequences that are great for #Yara rules.
Using #Ghidra and a Text Editor - You can quickly develop Yara rules to detect common malware families.
(Demonstrated with #Qakbot)
[1/20] #Malware#RE
Hashing and encryption functions make good targets for #detection as they are reasonably unique to each malware family and often contain lengthy and specific byte sequences due to the mathematical operations involved.
These characteristics make for good Yara rules 😁
Oct 18, 2022 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
🐲 Ghidra Tips🐲For Beginner/Intermediate analysts interested in RE.
These tips are aimed at making Ghidra more approachable and usable for beginners and intermediate analysts 😄
[1/9] 🧵
#Malware#RE#Ghidra2/ The sample I'm using can be found here if you'd like to follow along. It is a cobalt strike DLL often found in Gootloader campaigns.
2/ The script *should* work on the samples that I have provided in the readme, however you may need to change some register values to get it to work on different samples.
In particular, "dp.regs.ecx" and "dp.regs.esp+0x4" may need to be changed. As these ...