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Founder investor ai search β†’ @globalifyXYZ cofounder β€’ physical on-earth twin of @air1ck3ff β€’ web3 devops β€’ Draper Ntwrk β€’ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡­πŸ‡°πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ β€’ πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

Mar 17, 2023, 15 tweets

Ever wonder what @0N1Force has been up to since the acquisition? πŸ‘Ύ

Quietly building obviously
and I've got the inside scoop on all the serious alpha


"there was much work to do to even begin building that rocket ship. But it's going to be an intergalactic space ship, not a rocket ship. πŸš€

Forget the moon, let's dream bigger, let's go explore the universe together." πŸ‘ΎπŸ›Έ
- quoted from starlordyftw

Working with @trueIMCMPLX , Starlordy has reviewing every trait and creating a family tree for 0N1

Past lore and discussing the future development of characters, brand visual guide, fashion guide, and potential future drops.

Just who is this guy? 🌹

There's IMCMPLX art for secret _________ museum quality art project?

and the physicals that will change the space? Will it have more than just an NFC tag?
i am imagine something more than just an amiibo

Filled with a big treasury by the new buyers:

- Art and Design behind future drops
- Review collaborators & start designing
- Review potential new artists for visual brand development

The artist-in-residency program reboot.
50ETH to help the community nurture talent.

Master Writer / community-led for @0N1HunterX
- 6 issues of 0N1 Hunter X

*fun fact -> main character below is brand new, he never made it into the main 7777 generative art. so he's quite special (will reflect in the story & art)

Working with Cromagnus -> new comic discussion, Issue 2!!! and Cromagnus merch?!


- AR development @cromagnus
- commissioning rebirth art

Starlordy has also been discussing future drop potentials and leading the charge on art, mental health, and the entire web3 industry.

This is serious alpha overload 🀯

This is happening at NFT LA -> details on all of the above here

Combined with 7777 of @0n1Force, a lot of web3 OGs, and the community with many resources.

Its happening!!? Probably discuss the schedule of these releases #NFTLA


To the stars πŸš€
@starlordyftw identifying critical areas of undisclosed development for the roadmap and 3-year vision.

The community and @thedaoofwei @Goltra are making endless introductions to irl / web3 collaborators.

(what collaborators, I can't really say yet ☺️)


More 0n1 Ka1 incoming
I assume adding 4 more to a total of 7 Ka1s

current Ka1s are


and theres also @SanSound3 a cousin project run by the legends @cromagnus & @Kakuberry & @DeFinalFantasy & @MintyFreshVibe


With the CEO and @ofrfund aligned.

I believe that starlordy CAN and WILL take @0n1Force to the stars.
(even his name has the "stars" in it - > I can imagine seeing the milky way galaxy soon)


The team has gathered, building towards the coming shift and expanding the @0N1Force brand. I can't wait to see what's next few months! πŸš€πŸŒŽπŸ’₯

If you like what you see and want deeper dives, follow and RT. Thank you. πŸ›Έ

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