John Matrix (FlawInTheMatrix) Profile picture
Chasing Pips | Multi-Funded | Daily value

Mar 17, 2023, 12 tweets

This is probably the most slept on @I_Am_The_ICT concept there is 🫠

I'm guilty of sleeping on these but not anymore, I used to use them when I was at peak for my game πŸ“Έ

Weekly profile templates πŸ’Ž




These will play into W/D/4H PD array.

Look for then on a 1H TF πŸ“

Classic Tuesday Low/High of the week πŸ’₯

Note- can form Monday

Wednesday High/Low of the week

Midweek decline πŸ’Ž

Wednesday Reversal πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

Thursday Reversal 😈

Seek and Destroy 🀯

$NQ Example of Thursday Reversal πŸ“

$NQ Example of High forming on Monday.

Also note Predominantly they are set for the week by Wednesday.

Enjoy 🀫

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