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Mar 17, 2023, 8 tweets

What would happen if $UBS takes over $CS?

Short 🧵👇🏼

If $UBS really takes over $CS, the new $UBS would become so big that there wouldn‘t be a Nr 2 in Switzerland any more. For decades.

We would have a $UBS on steroids.

The new $UBS would hold more than 50% of all deposits in Switzerland, it would have over 110k employees and it would manage over $4.5 trillion Assets under Management (AuM) with a market cap of $65 Billion. UBS would become the second largest employer in the country after Nestle.

The next largest Private Bank with an international setup like UBS is Julius Baer $BAER with $420 Billion AuM and a market cap of $12 Billion and 7k employees.

The new UBS would have more assets under management than $JPM, the largest Bank in the US with $3 trillion AuM but with a striking market cap of $370 Billion.

However, $UBS and $CS are archi-rivals. It‘s like Barca and Real Madrid becoming best friends and merging because they were forced to. Who can imagine that?

A forced marriage rately works.

But a part from that, would the Swiss regulator FINMA allow to have a monster bank with a monopoly in #Switzerland ?

The Swiss Competition commission (WeKo) wouldn‘t be happy about a takeover of $CS by $UBS since both institutions have a leading position in the Swiss banking sector.…

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