Dottie Darling Profile picture
Geek Theater B or Y

Mar 18, 2023, 11 tweets

That all being said:::

The only way to #fix the manipulation of our #maps & #models directed to parastism in regards to the DISPROPORTIONATELY WEALTHY is::

Q's (?)
If you agree, jus concur,
or give an legit argument (but you can't bc you already kno you lost).

Its jus the bassskicks.

What is your ultimate circumstances as an individual mind who exists (?)

What is our common meduim as individual minds (?)

Is it important to exponentially & creatively increase evry1's Capabilities, & wud that category also include animals, aliens, & psychic navy seals wearing invisibility suits (?)

@taylorswift13 i bet gets it.

Why would YOU choose war instead updating idiots w/ blatantly obvious FACTS [Consequences] (?)

You hate Capabilities (?)


Things are of a particular design (order/formula) wether they are naturally existing or created w/ human intelligence.

Typing this as ex w/ our langauge model [spooky action at a distance thru a common meduim]

@elonmusk 🤷‍♀️

Evrythang can be viewed as a DMP [Decision Making Proccess] sum DMP's r naturally exist'n while otters r designed by hooman intelligence.

@Grimezsz 4 yer bay ✌😹


Decision Making Processes.
Objects [being what they do] make up most of our Navigation, natural & man made awarnesses in regards to Consequences[Y] & Capabilities, in the courses of actions we take.

We follow maps/models by using our independent minds & shared ideas to choose our actions & create, in order to have Capabilities.

Maps/models are not literal depictions of what "Y" is, but rather guides to actions Consequences ...


"Y" has no literal depiction.

Maps & models update with awarnesses of what Consequences does in regards to Capabilities, such being Technology.

Rather than conflicting *non-updating* rigid models of ideologies, we need a philosophy for a technologically advanced society...

Using the model of Technology & Capabilities, this is the most scientifically accurate philosophy:

Prosperism(in motion):
The perpetual & exponential growth of every1's capabilities, thereby/namely yer own.

I don’t know about y’all but I’m gettin some throat this weekend.

I'm always guna be hailerisus.

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