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Powerful citizen journalism We are part of the @bylinesnetwork Regulated by IMPRESS contact: editor@centralbylines.co.uk https://t.co/iLu5MMmvCy

Mar 18, 2023, 9 tweets

3 Tory MPs interviewing each other on GB News

Meanwhile, the chairman of the BBC Richard Sharp allegedly backed several right-wing organisations wanting the privatisation of the BBC.

But no issue to right-wing @Ofcom Chef Exec Melanie Dawes.

And to think they got upset when Gary Lineker likened their messaging to that of 1930s Germany.

This is a full-on takeover of our broadcasting by the right wing.

Now with well over 200,000 reads in over 144 countries but still with no response from @bbcquestiontime

@docrussjackson open letter to the @BBC about widely held concerns about bias on #bbcqt

@bbc says it is impartial, yet the most common question on this Tweet that now has over 2 million impressions is "why @BBCNews didn't cover this and German TV via @ZDFlondon did" and has over 3m views 4/

We are rather chuffed that Emily Maitlis re-Tweeted this little celebration of our citizen journalism on the same day as that now infamous speech saying that an ‘active Tory party agent’ was now shaping BBC news output @maitlis

Not just the BBC but one of reasons that so many of us got involved in the Bylines Network was the issue with UK reporting on a mass scale. This is Central Bylines pinned post on Facebook from May 2021.

Now can you see why you all need to get involved in this Bylines project 6/

Here’s @maitlis calling out Robbie Gibb as an “active agent of the Conservative Party” sitting on the BBC board which caused such a stir at the time

We fight on, we know so much of our media are bent with many of them telling us all how we should live our lives whilst being domiciled offshore and contributing absolutely nothing to the UK so please get in contact with your local Bylines and get writing

A healthy democracy requires a healthy media
Many now question who is really running the BBC with Tory party donors at the top

At the Bylines Network, we are turning journalism on its head and giving Citizens a powerful voice but we do need your support

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