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Improving crypto investors' deal flow by scouting the stealthiest projects since 2020

Mar 18, 2023, 14 tweets

5⃣ promising crypto projects

Follow, bookmark, whatever but you better not fade them.

Today featuring DeFi, more DeFi, DeFi security AND Metaverse.


1⃣Let’s start with some projects for DeFi enthusiasts (as we all should be during these times); I introduce you to @vmexfinance

VMEX is a modular lending protocol designed to maximize flexibility by using a risk-isolated lending pool structure. 🔒

@vmexfinance The structure allows for experimentation with special-purpose tranches and other novel features, such as permissioned tranches, modular stablecoins, and robo-tranches

@vmexfinance VMEX aims to support assets with a wide variety of risk profiles, including real-world assets, and provide users with clear risk information🤝

The project is still in development (beta live on GOERLI) and is actively seeking feedback and novel feature ideas from the community🔥

@vmexfinance 2⃣Following is @FluxDeFi

Flux Finance is another lending protocol💸

It supports both permissionless cryptoassets and permissioned tokens, aiming to increase the efficiency of financial markets in the real economy.

It is a fork of Compound V2 with additional functionalities🛠️

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi By building on the battle-tested Compound V2, Flux has a solid foundation to innovate and create new possibilities in DeFi🧠

It follows a peer-to-pool model and is governed by the @OndoFinance DAO, which allows ONDO holders to vote on code upgrades and risk parameters🤝

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance 3⃣Continuing with with @IgnisFinance.

Ignis Finance is, you guessed it, a Decentralized Lending protocol, built on the Flare Network🎇

The protocol allows to provide utility for tokens outside of the Flare Network ecosystem through the use of Flare Assets🪙

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance As avid DeFi users, the team seems to understand the community's needs

It is dedicated to providing a market for assets to work on the Flare Network in a decentralized manner.

The team invites everyone to join their Telegram, Discord, and Twitter community to witness its growth

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance 4⃣Wraping up the DeFi talk with @Redefine_crypto

Redefine delivers security solutions for investors and traders🤝

They provide customers with a dynamic risk score, portfolio risk monitoring, and active features that save funds in case of an attack /imminent financial loss🥵

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance @Redefine_crypto Their CEO @ShiraBar1 announced at #ETHDenver the release of their dApprovals🤓

Those are an advanced and transparent solution for ensuring you are fully informed of all the risks associated with your active approvals and are empowered to take action and manage these easily.🔥

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance @Redefine_crypto @ShiraBar1 5⃣We’re on to the Metaverse now, with @0_Metaverse 🌐

[0] introduce themselves as a Web3.0 Innovation Lab and a Web2.5 Metaverse Studio

They want to focus on connecting existing platforms to create a single unified Metaverse

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance @Redefine_crypto @ShiraBar1 @0_Metaverse @Krista_Kim and Peter Martin (in/valisstudios), the co-creators, aim to create an interoperable open metaverse that encourages limitless imagination and co-creative participation from its users.

You can witness their great ambition in this interview

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance @Redefine_crypto @ShiraBar1 @0_Metaverse @Krista_Kim We usually find projects when they have barely any social media presence🧐
Whether they succeed or not is up to many factors.

In our [Throwback] Threads we will always try to deliver established projects that are of interest.

You'll even find some that are still early 😉

@vmexfinance @FluxDeFi @OndoFinance @IgnisFinance @Redefine_crypto @ShiraBar1 @0_Metaverse @Krista_Kim Check our website (hotnewcrypto[.]com) for more alpha.

By the way, our tweets will Never be sponsored and although we try to curate the most quality content for you, always do your own research. 🤘

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