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Mar 19, 2023, 6 tweets

1/ 🌍☕️ Get ready, coffee lovers! Today, we're going on a world tour to explore four of the most intricate, elegant, sophisticated, complicated, and beautiful coffee machines from different regions. Prepare to be amazed by these masterpieces of coffee-making! #CoffeeArttwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

2/ 🇮🇹 La Marzocco Strada AV - Italy
This Italian beauty is renowned for its craftsmanship and innovation. The Strada AV features individual boilers for each group head, allowing for precise temperature control. Its stunning design includes polished steel and exquisite curves.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

3/ 🇹🇷 Turkish Sand Coffee Machine - Turkey
Steeped in tradition, this unique coffee machine uses hot sand to create an even heat distribution for brewing. Handcrafted from copper and adorned with ornate engravings, it not only brews a perfect cup but also takes you on a journey… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

4/ 🇯🇵 Hario Cafeor - Japan
The Hario Cafeor's elegant design combines a stainless-steel filter and a glass carafe. This minimalist marvel employs a slow drip method for extracting maximum flavor. Its simplicity and sophistication make it a must-have for true coffee connoisseurs.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

5/ 🇩🇪 ECM Synchronika - Germany
This dual boiler espresso machine combines German engineering with a vintage aesthetic. With its refined design, intricate pressure gauges, and precision temperature control, the ECM Synchronika is perfect for those seeking perfection in their… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

6/ 🌍☕️ There you have it - four stunning coffee machines from Italy, Turkey, Japan, and Germany that blend art, culture, and innovation to deliver an unparalleled coffee experience. Which one would you love to have in your home? #CoffeeArt #CoffeeMachineTour

Here’s what’s next… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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