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25 ∙ she/her ∙ au writer ∙ rpf ∙ OT7 ∙ makin’ moves (towards my bed) ∙ ao3: https://t.co/PaiUmPBvMt

Mar 19, 2023, 15 tweets

#minimoni/#minjoon au where sweetheart idol jimin releases a new song and rapper rm is more than a little shook 💀

this is entirely inspired by the whiplash jimin has caused me in the past few days so I’m going to project onto namjoon for the next few tweets ✌🏼


1. jimin fans doing the most

2. taeginterlude (thanks mi ur a real one)

3. jungkook has 100% ranked his own memes you can’t deny it

4. calling for reinforcements since namjoon has resorted to academia (aka a slow descent into madness)

5. noooo save your choker jimin!!!!!!

6. aaaaand now jimin is broken too

7. was this just an excuse for me to make a thread about namjoon’s cuteness? yes absolutely

8. always do your research 🥰

9. studying is so gratifying 🙏🏼 stay in school kids

10. bonus: taegi

11. bonus bonus: 2seok

the end!✨

if you made it this far, thanks for sticking around for my face-induced brainrot 💋


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