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Mar 20, 2023, 14 tweets

🔥Project Overview - Horus Exchange

Read my research about @Horus_Exchange - AMM #DEX with ve3,3 mechanism | Lock, vote, bribe and earn with maximum Yield. Join the future of Defi on #CORE

#CoreDao #IDO #DEX #Yield

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1/ What is the @Horus_Exchange ?

Horus is ve(3,3) DEX that adapts Andre Cronje's initial vision of Solidly aims to provide large liquidity, low slippage and become the base liquidity layer in Core, pushing the growth of Core.

- @Horus_Exchange is front running resistant, low fees, near 0 slippage on correlated assets. Horus is the governance token for Horus Exchange.

- Improved the Solidly codebase to guarantee that the protocol will function as Andre intended.

2/ Horus Ve(3,3)

- Based on the two mechanisms above, AC and Daniele Sestagalli were come up with ideas and created Ve(3,3). Thus, the meaning of Ve(3,3) is to encourage users to lock tokens into the pool and at the same time created a “ Win-Win” value model for those users.

3/ Tokenomic
Initial supply: 8.000.000 $HORUS

- Partners 25%
- Ecosystem Grant 20%
- Team 15%
- Bribes 10%
- Airdrop 10%
- Treasury NFT 10%
- Presale 5%
- LP 5%

3.2/ veHORUS

- Earning
- Voting
- Voting Rewards and Renewal
- Boosting
- Governing

4/ DEX Functions

4.1/ SWAP

On HORUS there are two types of Liquidity Pools
- Volatile
- Stable

4.2/ Liquidity

- Liquidity providers can stake their LP in gauges to earn HORUS rewards. The more votes allocated to a pair, the more HORUS will be emitted to the gauge in the following epoch.

- The more veHORUS, the higher LP boost you will have in proportion to your position

4.3/ Vote

How to vote ?
- Lock HORUS into a veHORUS
- Vote for your favorite pools.
- Wait for every epoch to flip(timer is displayed) to claim weekly trading fees & bribes rewards.

Reward - There are 2 types of rewards
- Trading fees
- Voter bribes

5/ Security

@Horus_Exchange its a hard fork from Solidly created by Andre Cronje and his team in March 2022, with additional upgrades to security that were previously overlooked

7/ Token Sale
Will be update at this thread

8/ Socials

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