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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Mar 20, 2023, 7 tweets

Quick reality check

We do not know that Trump is coming to NY on Tuesday, but this should become known during Monday. Trump HIMSELF clearly freaked out on Friday and THOUGHT he is headed to NY for arraignment on Tuesday..

So lets enjoy #Arrestmas for now. It is coming 'soon'

We DO know - CBS has confirmed - that US Secret Service has been in talks with NY about moving Trump to an arraignment in coming days. It is QUITE plausible that Trump was told on Friday and he had his epic freak out because he found out

BUT the DATE is not confirmed as of now

Note that this is Manhattan DA so Alvin Bragg, the case that has built over several years and is NOT just Stormy Daniels payment

It is LIKELY the full financial tax fraud scheme that Trump attorney Allen Weisselberg confessed to last year, and is serving prison time

The Trumpworld magapropaganda is attempting to spin this as Stormy Daniels equals Bill Clinton is therefore nothing

Allen Weisselberg CRIMES were worth 12 YEARS. He took plea bargain and serves much less. But the CRIME was worth 12 YEARS. And the DA said there was one criminal

And the DA said in Weisselberg criminal trial pleadings that there are SEVERAL criminals who committed tax frauds (= Trump kids) and ONE tax fraud who was BIGGER criminal than Weisselbert (= Trump).

And Allen's crime was worth TWELVE YEARS in Riker's Island

Trump crimes BIGGER

I said all along, NY goes first. We are soon about to see the first criminal arraignment (indictment, not arrest) of Trump in his life. It will be in NY. It may be now, Tuesday, or perhaps Trump flies to NY for arraignment Wednesday morning.

Or in coming days. But this is soon


New York police are setting up barriers for crowd control around court house. It seems to be happening, that Trump will be arraigned on Tuesday (or maybe Wed morning). Stay tuned. This is one of biggest stories of our lifetimes, Trump's series of criminal trials start

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