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Mar 21, 2023, 6 tweets

🥁New Thread to Upcoming Domain DID service #Airdrops 🧵

1.5 year ago $ENS Airdrop Give us Upto $20k #Airdrop

Recently #SpaceID Give $ID Airdrop to all early users🦾

🌈Today We'll Talk About Possible upcoming DID #Airdrops @dotbitHQ & @unstoppableweb

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1⃣First of all We'll talk about .BIT Domain Name Service

If you are following Us you know we already shared about DAS Domain (Currently .bit Domain) in November 2021😍

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@dotbitHQ has already Raised More than $13m in August 2022 💸

🪂Recently They Give us Some hint "Something Exciting is Coming soon" 👀

Let's register a .BIT domain👇

1) Go here:…
2) Search domain name
3) Click on register
4) Connect any network to pay fees
5) Click on pay

Per year registration fee is $5/year.

2⃣ Now lets talk About @unstoppableweb

😍According to 2022 Report: Unstoppable Domains Raises $65 Million Series A at a $1 Billion Valuation 🚀

We already Shared about Unstoppable Domain also in 2021 on our Telegram and in YoutTube Video as well 🦾


We already claimed Free Domain with their partner Giveaways But Now lets buy Unstoppable Domain if you don't have

1. Go here & do Signup with your Wallet:

2. Search Domain and add into Cart to checkout ✅

We Might can see Their Governance tokens soon in this 2023 year so be an early user🦾

📌NOTE: Longer Expire date of Domain will gain more reward as we already see this criteria in previous Project's

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