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Medium smart award-winning, alt-right Oprah

Mar 22, 2023, 12 tweets

The funniest thing I heard #GwynethPaltrow lawyer say was "I really don't want an objection your honor," when the other lawyer objected during his cross. LOL

I cannot stop laughing.

Atty. Steve Owens doesn't know he can't show the deposition to the jury but that's all he has cued up to go. His sigh of exasperation when hauled up to the judge is pure comedy gold. Also why would the witness have a copy of his depo? Dunno.

After the huddle, the Judge is seen trying not to laugh. This is hysterical.

What a relief from the usual murder trials! This is like watching the Three Stooges. @AussieOverLawd @Remy_Legal @thelegalvices @RekietaLaw

As dithering and short-tempered as the lawyer is, this witness is worse! "I can't answer that" (2 seconds later answers exact same question)

.@attorneysings you have to see this. go back and watch from the top. I'm dying. This is not how testimony works, sir! Impeached!

"A very sore Jose." ROFL...never heard that one before. Is this a white Utah ski bum term? I've never wanted to apologize for white people so badly.

This lady is a legend. She's had 3 marriages, a 6-mo relationship with the plaintiff who seems to be some kind of wealthy finance guy, then he turned mean so she left him and then he tried to get back together but she has a new beau. And a bunch of you can't get a date!

The Coughing Menace, the oratorical fireworks, the strange casual posture of Owens as he yaps about a television...I can't get enough of this. There is a strong possibility one of these two will demand a hearing for the admissibility of the word asshole.

And that's a wrap folks. This is all you need to know about day 1 of #GwynethPaltrowtrial The offer of the mint was a nice note to go out on.

But day 2 might be funnier The BEST Moment From Gwyneth Paltrow Trial in Comic Form

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