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Mar 22, 2023, 17 tweets

The #Metis files | Part 1: Follow the money | 3: Ooo its totally separate entities

Today we will show you that
1) $METIS is (one of) the founder(s) of Netswap
2) Netswap received $1.1m of the $2m in stolen BinaryDAO funds
3) Netswap's "main dev" = BinaryDAO's "main dev"


Make sure to first check the previous two "Follow the money" threads as well as @lilbagscientist threads in case you missed it.


We ended the previous thread explaining that $615k (of which $500k is still in the wallet) of the $2m stolen funds is fully controlled by a signer (0x8660579347374CB592A227fAe9f31a0782C91157) from the Netswap multisig.

Let’s dive a bit deeper.


We start with the @netswapofficial multisig.

Max, the Netswap “main dev”, explains that the multisig is controlled by 4 signers from the Netswap founder team.…


As 0x8660579347374CB592A227fAe9f31a0782C91157 is one of the signers of the multisig, this means that (one of) the founder(s) of Netswap received $615k from the $2m in stolen funds from @BinaryDAO_fi !


The #Netswap multisig configuration is 2 out of 4. All transactions have been signed by the same 2 addresses.

All transactions, except for the latest, have the same creation and execution timestamp, which shows that both addresses are owned by the same person. Likely Max.


December 12 2020 the Metis Andromeda Deployer (controlled by Yuan Su, @thegoodboss2 ) created the official $METIS token on Ethereum:…


@thegoodboss2 April 5 2021 the Metis Andromeda Deployer (/Yuan Su) transferred ownership of the official Metis token to 0x886d5203cE6EDc8BA719ea5931E689606e84492B…

This address is another signer of the #Netswap multisig and thus a founder of Netswap.


On top of that the address is one of the signers of a key multisig of the Metis foundation…

This is clear proof that #Metis is (one of) the founder(s) of Netswap, which they continue to deny to date!


Time for the final address on the $NETT multisig: 0x2628e52b6a633bcf479c4bfd423cb8404effb497

This address received $0.3m of the $2m in stolen @BinaryDAO_fi funds and is owned by Kevin Liu (@kevinliub) or a close relation.…


@BinaryDAO_fi @kevinliub The address was funded by 0xc5779AB95fc7C8B04c96f3431736F2455b0E6A1A, which:

- Was funded by 0x26ec4ff77df305d5a9a7660e046dd1c06ce517f6, the deployer of the #Metis CEG contract
- Received funds from Kevin Liu (0xabe26faee77419897090bc4c5a112d463443a662)


@BinaryDAO_fi @kevinliub - Received $1m from 0x138f6ce6f2067dadd4d091ea07206811806582ce, which was originally funded by Kevin Liu
- Has several other interactions with Kevin Liu and key $METIS addresses


So the @netswapofficial multisig signers, are the #netswap founders. Two belong to @MetisDAO and the other 2 to the Netswap "dev". They received $615k + $300k of the $2m in stolen @BinaryDAO_fi funds.

We are not done yet :)


@netswapofficial @MetisDAO @BinaryDAO_fi As promised in the first thread on March 7th, we would return to the “dev” of @BinaryDAO_fi , Liam0x who received $200k of the $2m.

It turns out to be the same person as the Netswap dev!


@netswapofficial @MetisDAO @BinaryDAO_fi A couple of hours after the first thread, he tried to cover his tracks by sending the ENS domains for his @BinaryDAO_fi and @netswapofficial alter ego's to different addresses.…


@netswapofficial @MetisDAO @BinaryDAO_fi That’s it for today. A lot to digest.

Stay tuned for more threads from @lilbagscientist and me.

You’d do us a great favor by interacting with the below tweet in order to increase our reach.


@oooitscrime who was inspiration for the title @otteroooo as a fellow otter fraud investigator

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