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#8 ♡ (@SEUNGM1NE)

Mar 23, 2023, 8 tweets

(Thread) of “Finding Missing Person” description in SKZ Code

In the middle of Chan’s room as per usual, provoked by a STAY’s remark “Don’t Kangaroos jump higher than Chan-ie?” he jumped himself however, wasn’t able to stop & just went missing without returning home


A citizen who mistook Lee Know’s face who was on the way back home as Leonardo’s piece of work , reported it to the museum, countered by saying he is a human not a sculpture, but nobody believed him so he complained out of frustration & escaped while under…..


Changbin who left home for a while after saying “Be firm & judge where am I”. Members didn’t try to search Changbin who didn’t come back home until late because they thought he went to the gym as usual. When Changbin didn’t show up in the gym until late at night….


He was drawing while sitting on a bench with outside winds, and all the citizens that passed by agreed saying that “Look at that, a painting is drawing” “he is straight an art” , embarrassed over the words, he ran away and still has not returned home yet


The last sighting of him was that when he had been searching his room to find the wireless earphones that he lost. It is presumed that he eventually loses himself after losing his stuffs every time. Pretty sure he was in the room but just disappeared like that.


The day has been getting warmer and although its March, the midsummer weather continues so experts in each fields analysed the cause and found that it was due to Yongbok’s warm heart that was heating the Korean Peninsula , surprised over the results of the study….


He went to a restaurant to eat his favourite kimchi jjigae and greeted with manners but the restaurant owner said “Puppy is not allowed to come in”, he stopped. Then, he tilted his head, “Me?” he asked, by the time the owner realised that he’s not a puppy….


Yang Jeongin went to buy bread in a bakery in Gangdong-gu, after seeing him, the customers in the bakery had dad-like smiles, saying “gosh he’s so cute, i will take that bread” , feeling embarrassed over it, he ran away and hasn’t returned home until now

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