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May 10th 2023
What is a guest post? How is it different than a regular blog post? A Guest Post is an article written and posted on someone else's blog. When you write something on your own blog, it's just a "post," but on someone else's blog #TejRan #Eurovision2023 #Felix… Guest posts are valuable tools for reputation marketing and reputation management for several reasons, like getting your brand mentioned or occupying branded search query results. But most people use them to embed backlinks for SEO reasons.… Guest posts are often abused, though; we'll address abusive aspects later in this article.If you have found someone else's blog to write on, then you are the 'guest author'. We'll assume you are doing it both to get the word out and
Read 6 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
(Thread) of “Finding Missing Person” description in SKZ Code

In the middle of Chan’s room as per usual, provoked by a STAY’s remark “Don’t Kangaroos jump higher than Chan-ie?” he jumped himself however, wasn’t able to stop & just went missing without returning home

A citizen who mistook Lee Know’s face who was on the way back home as Leonardo’s piece of work , reported it to the museum, countered by saying he is a human not a sculpture, but nobody believed him so he complained out of frustration & escaped while under…..

Changbin who left home for a while after saying “Be firm & judge where am I”. Members didn’t try to search Changbin who didn’t come back home until late because they thought he went to the gym as usual. When Changbin didn’t show up in the gym until late at night….
Read 8 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
🧵Thread 🧵

Lo stato finanziario della rosa dell'#ASRoma: per ogni calciatore riportiamo:

▪️Valore a bilancio al 30/6/2022
▪️Stipendio lordo
▪️Ammortamento annuo
▪️Costo totale annuo

▪️Valore a bilancio: 8.1 M€
▪️Stipendio lordo: 3.4 M€
▪️Ammortamento: 4 M€
▪️Costo annuo: 7.5 M€
▪️Scadenza: 2024 Image

▪️Valore a bilancio: 0.25 M€
▪️Stipendio lordo: 0.93 M€
▪️Ammortamento: 0.25 M€
▪️Costo annuo: 1.18 M€
▪️Scadenza: 2023


Cessione gratuita all'#Ibiza con 30% della futura rivendita.
Minusvalenza: 0.25 M€
Risparmio costo annuo: 1.18 M€ Image
Read 44 tweets
May 18th 2022
Eldor #Shomurodov 🇺🇿, a thread 👇

Arrivato dal Genoa per 17.5 M€ per dare riposo a Dzeko, l'attaccante uzbeko si è ritrovato alternativa di #Abraham alla partenza di Edin.

Con un contratto di 5 anni ed uno stipendio lordo di 1.9 M€ il peso annuale a bilancio è ~ 5.5 M€
#Shomurodov ha giocato 36 partite, partendo titolare in sole 6 occasioni, per un totale di 1030 minuti.

Il suo bottino è di 4 gol (3 in #SerieA, 1 in Coppa Italia) e 6 assist (4 in campionato, 2 in #UECL )
L'uzbeko contribuisce a 0.87 goal o assist p90 min, valore più alto nella rosa dell'#ASRoma tra i calciatori con almeno 500 min giocati.
Nel dettaglio #Shomurodov è 1o per assist forniti p90 (0.52) e 4o dietro Abraham, Pellegrini ed El Shaarawy per goal segnati p90 (0.35)
Read 8 tweets
May 4th 2022
1/ I learned today that a CEX is coming to $FTM.

I've never heard of @Felix_Exchange before so I dug into their discord (@tombfinance $TOMB discord as it's their project).

I searched for "Felix", skimmed through 126 pages of comments and made some notes. 👇
2/ Disclaimer: These are just notes. It's not a proper research.

I can't guarantee that this info is 100% accurate but it's something to start with.
3/ 1) One of the problems #FELIX aims to solve is helping noobs get into $FTM ecosystem in an easy way.

2) It will be powered by Binance Cloud. As I understand it means that the CEX will be built by Binance tools but Harry Yeh will have full control of it.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 31st 2021

#2NE1 Image
Read 273 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
There's somewhat an evolving picture of the DISRUPTION in lives, businesses, and way of life caused by COVID-19.

In KENYA, the food-chain is going through a METAMOPHORSIS, the CHANGES brought about by the PANDEMIC could be longlasting.

It's been a record low FOUR weeks on sales of CHINESE fish in the markets.

Traders say customers are SCARED of the fish and they are preferring fish from LAKE VICTORIA, in its absence, fish farms from KENYA.
"Before coronavirus, our customers really didn't care about where the fish came from. Fish from CHINA is cheap and easy to get compared to others."
Read 20 tweets
Jan 20th 2020
Exclusive @Stray_Kids selfies? 😱 That’s right! For every 150 RTs, we'll UNLOCK 🔓 one member’s never-before-seen selfie Valentine’s Day card 💘 STAY, get ready, set, RETWEET 😝


#StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #SKZ #스키즈
@Stray_Kids TO: STAY

You are one IN a melon 🍉

📍 #SKZUNLOCKinNYC (1/29):…

#SKZUNLOCKinUSA #StrayKids #SKZ #IN #아이엔
@Stray_Kids TO: STAY

I can PICTURE us together 📷

📍 #SKZUNLOCKinATL (1/31):…

#SKZUNLOCKinUSA #StrayKids #SKZ #Seungmin #승민
Read 9 tweets

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