Nick St. Pierre Profile picture
Creative Director and unofficial Midjourney shill. Publicly exploring AI & sharing learnings.

Mar 25, 2023, 18 tweets

I wanna revisit my Additive Prompting series, this time updated for Midjourney v5, with even more prompts and examples.

So over the next few days, I'll be doing just that. Starting with...

🧡 Pt. 1 - Exploring film stocks in Midjourney v5

Real quick, here's a basic overview of what I'll be covering in this series over the coming days. To follow the series, follow me @nickfloats

For this film exploration, I kept all of the prompts + seeds the same, changing only the film stock. And of course, we're doing street photography. For exact prompts, see image ALT tags

The base prompt:
/imagine street style photo of a woman, shot on [FILM TYPE] --seed 1 --v 5

🎞️ Fujifilm Superia 400

A multi-purpose color film that is ready for virtually any occasion. It provides particularly outstanding results in low-light photography without a flash, and fast-action sports.

🎞️ Lomography Color Negative 800

A unique color film that produces a vintage, cross-processed look. It has a high ISO, making it a good choice for low-light situations and capturing movement.

🎞️ CineStill 800T

A unique color film that's actually repurposed from motion picture film. It produces a vintage, cinematic look with high contrast and muted colors.

🎞️ Ilford XP2 400

A black and white film that can be processed using color-negative chemicals. Excellent results when there is a wide subject brightness range.

🎞️ Fujichrome Velvia 50

A daylight-type, high-image-quality color reversal film. Retains extremely fine grain, resolving power, sharpness and brilliant color reproduction.

🎞️ Kodak Ektar 100

A continuous tone, panchromatic black-and-white negative film that is especially useful for photographing dimly lighted subjects, fast action, extended range flash pictures, and subjects that require good depth of field.

🎞️ Kodak Portra 400

Outstanding color fidelity and excellent skin tone reproduction. For exposures in unfavorable light conditions or for pictures with long focal lengths. Ideal for wedding, portrait, and advertising photography.

🎞️ Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100

A medium-speed, ultra-high-image quality black-and-white negative film that features the world's highest standard in grain quality among ISO 100 films.

🎞️ Kodak Gold 200

Provides an excellent combination of color saturation, color accuracy, and sharpness. Excellent for picture-taking under general lighting conditions.

🎞️ Agfa Vista 400

A color film that produces vibrant colors and fine grain. It's a good choice for street photography, as it can handle a wide range of lighting conditions and produce consistent results.

🎞️ Fujifilm Pro 400H

ISO 400 daylight-type film. Wide exposure latitude. Particularly suited to wedding, commercial, and fashion work.

🎞️ Kodak T-MAX 400

A continuous tone, panchromatic black-and-white negative film that is especially useful for photographing dimly lighted subjects, fast action, extended range flash pictures, and subjects that require good depth of field.

🎞️ Kodak Ektachrome E100

Slide film that produces vibrant, saturated colors and fine grain. The film is designed to respond to diverse shooting conditions and can produce amazing detail, clean highlights, and brighter whites.

For more film types, check out the B&H photo website, or ask ChatGPT for some ideas of film stocks that would be good for the type of image you're generating (portrait, landscape, outdoor, low-light, etc)

Coming up next in this series: πŸ’‘Lighting
Follow it @nickfloats


I'm launching a Midjourney for Creatives course in June with @MavenHQ

It'll be a paid 2-week cohort w/ live sessions, geared toward professionals and production workflows.

Waitlist πŸ‘‰

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