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Kashmiri Muslim from IOK supporting Imran Khan for Pakistan. Account withheld in India and IOK. Dedicated to IKs movement for a just Pakistan.

Mar 25, 2023, 10 tweets

A thread on India: ๐Ÿงต

Fall of a fascist state intoxicated by racial superiority is inevitable:

In this video, Sikhs marched inside the Twitter office in San Francisco to lodge their protest against suspension of Sikh Twitter accounts. ++

Watch ๐Ÿ‘‡

India is facing multiple challenges. Due to its self conceived notion of being a super power & can get away with all the crimes.
But the resistance is coming from all the groups exposing India on international platforms.

Indian Ministry of External Affairs ++

issued a statement against popular Islamic scholar #DrZakirNaik. Naik is currently in Oman to deliver lectures to a large audience. He has a huge following in the Muslim world. Any action against Dr Naik will invite international outrage. But Indian state is living in a ++

fools world. They behave like a watchman of the world which they are not.

Sikh diaspora is protesting against the arrest of Khalistan leader #AmritpalSingh. After bringing down the Indian flag from Indian embassy in London, India officially ++
Watch ๐Ÿ‘‡

lodged a protest against the British government. In retaliation also scaled down security of British diplomats in Delhi.

However this backfired. Indian propaganda media outlet Times Now invited a Australian British professor to its show ++


This is how he schooled the Indian anchor and said, we make panties and undergarments out of our flags. He called Indians hypersensitive creating storm on petty issues.

Watch the fun here ๐Ÿ‘‡

On Kashmir, at Washington DC press clubs, two sponsored Kashmiris of Indian agencies & BJP faced humiliation when less than a dozen people turned to the event. In response Kashmiri diaspora members were kicked out of the hall ++

Watch ๐Ÿ‘‡

At a domestic level, the government of India out of its desperation & fascist policies banned the main opposition leader & popular politician Rahul Gandhi. Mr Gandhi was banned for criticising Indian PM Narendra Modi.

Banning Mr Gandhi has already created outrage ++

in India. The reason given for his ban is not only funny but shows how authoritarian Indian state has become.

As India carries out its atrocities against different groups, it face no accountability. However, its long term consequences will be terrible.
The so called ++

Indian state will fall under its own gravity.

As this happens to India, Kashmiris are keenly watching the circus.


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