Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Mar 27, 2023, 7 tweets

Q. What’s the worst day of the year for dictators, despots & populists?

A. Tmw ‘cos @amnesty release our annual report on the state of #HumanRights in 156 countries

DM me for a copy
(Video👇featuring @NazaninBoniadi, @angeliquekidjo @itspetergabriel @U2)

“It’s easy to feel hopeless in the face of atrocities & abuses but throughout the last year, people have shown we’re not powerless. We need less hypocrisy, less cynicism, & more action by all states to promote & protect all rights” @AgnesCallamard @amnesty

Respect for human rights around the world is deteriorating

@amnesty’s research indicates more than half of the states we monitored used torture or other ill-treatment

The annual report paints a disturbing picture of the global state of human rights today

The right to protest is under attack

Govts around the world have used aggression & violence against peaceful protesters to silence those fighting for their rights

As if to prove the point, today the UK govt is trying to push the draconian #PublicOrderBill through the Lords👇

From targeted surveillance to internet shutdowns, govts around the world have made it increasingly difficult for people to exercise their right to protest

Yet despite the tear gas & the kettling, the rubber bullets & swinging batons, people are still on the streets

In 2022, we've witnessed iconic acts of defiance

Countless times, people took to the streets to defend their rights

A reminder to those in power - we will never be mere bystanders when our dignity, equality & freedom is assaulted

See @amnesty’s report👇

Europe rightfully welcomed refugees from Ukraine, but didn’t have the same approach towards refugees arriving from the Middle East & Africa

@amnesty slams the West's "racist double standards" in its approach to refugees & in dealing with rights violations…

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