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Mar 27, 2023, 11 tweets

#SeyFer healing each other 🤍

- Seyran defence mechanism;
Her past trauma, trust issues and overwhelming feelings for Ferit triggers her to SUBCONSCIOUSLY push him away to avoid being hurt.

Actions like starting arguments (harsh and provocative words) and avoiding emotional intimacy (refuse to open up) happen unconsciously - and are just an escape. Same as numbing and denying feelings to make them easier to cope with.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

The truth is; Seyran was deeply touched by Ferit love note and that triggered her fears and instinct to protect herself (harsh words & attitude)
She was also very pleased by the gifts and flowers but she denies it in front of Suna and on the phone with Ferit.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

She never intentionally meant to hurt F, just like him his pain affects her deeply. She regretted telling him God is saving me from you, regretted saying I can’t trust him all my life -admitting she exaggerated. Same as she regretted some actions in the past.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

In the mountain house F for the first time confronted S with the truth, her past trauma are the reason of her fear and behaviour.
F is pushing S to break free from her past chains - to heal.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

The same applies to S, who is guiding F and challenging him to become better person, to give up on his self centred behaviour and disproportional freedom.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Her pointing out that her disgust and shock of what he did -along with his mother- is beyond her insignificant self and it’s actually a matter of morals - she is restoring F values.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Gulgun nonchalant behaviour the next day is a contrast to F’s who reflected on S words & accepted his mistakes. He chose, to keep G in the dark about his relationship, taking sole responsibility to fix it as grown up, he doesn’t trust in her judgment anymore
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

- she is his mother but she failed him with her wrong guidance and excessive love, almost ruined his life.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

F, later, asked Suna for help. F is not shutting ppl out, he is choosing who to let in. Suna never hesitated to call him out whenever he was wrong, was hard on him several times but she also showed him support, affection & gave him counsel when needed.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

- That’s how a balanced healthy love/care should be.

#SeyFer have different backgrounds, their entourage are different, but they are very similar in their differences and like a puzzle they perfectly match, helping each other grow. ✨

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