MandelaMushroom 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 NEVER VOTE CONSERVATIVE Profile picture
#HandsOffMyCPPPension #GoodTwitter #Antifascist #ABResistance #WomenAgainstPoilievre

Mar 28, 2023, 5 tweets

Alberta is in a battle against, not Conservatives but against a force that has been growing in the shadows for many years - Christian Nationalists. They are completely unlike politicians we’ve encountered in my lifetime up to Harper. #abpoli #womenagainstucp

These are not people entering politics to serve the public. They are not even corrupt and self-serving as their primary intent (although lots are that); they are people who intend to impose an authoritarian rulership in Canada.

They intend to privatize everything and create a class of people who live in poverty and are thankful for low paying wages in order to have a job at all.
It is the corporate oligarchs they serve.

And the cruellest cut of all, they’ve manipulated the lower classes, unions, and people who will be hurt most by privatization to support them.
This is a political fight that, if we lose, will change the substance of Canada for our lifetime, or longer.

There are classic symptoms of a failure of governance:

1) Corruption
2) Lack of accountability
3) Injustice
4) Inefficiency
5) Instability
6) Lack of transparency

I've seen every single one of these in Alberta in the last 4 years

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