1/ New research @UniLUT on value chain options for steel industry transition in Europe doi.org/10.1016/j.ener… - Key insights: low-cost renewable electricity & green, hydrogen required. 5 value chain combinations & DE, ES, FI with supply from CL, MA analysed. Impacts expected.
2/ Three different European markets investigated - DE, FI, ES – for primary and secondary steel production. Today’s main types are BF-BOF (coal), EAF (secondary with electricity), but also DRI-EAF (hydrogen) and BOF
3/ five different supply chain combinations investigated: a) full domestic production; b) import of H2 for steelmaking (shipping, pipeline); c) import of hot briquetted iron (HBI); d) import of crude steel.
4/ insights of global e-steel research are worked in sciencedirect.com/science/articl… , also cost and resources insights for #Chile sciencedirect.com/science/articl… and #Morocco link.springer.com/article/10.100… with data backing from global-local research sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
5/ H2 imports from #Chile and #Morocco considered in LH2 shipping and H2 pipelines. New infrastructure is not competitive to local supply in all analysed cases, due to good local resources and high H2 transportation costs. Details on FI, ES, DE in the following ...
6/ Case Finland: domestic green e-steel competitive to coal-based steel from 2030 onwards. HBI and steel import from #Morocco may be a challenge. H2 import not competitive.
7/ Case #Spain: domestic green e-steel competitive to coal-based steel from 2030 onwards. #Spain is fully competitive to all analysed value chain compositions indicating a best positioning for internationally competitive steelmaking.
8/ Case #Germany: domestic green e-steel competitive to coal-based steel from 2030 onwards. Domestic production competitive to HBI imports with slight disadvantage to steel import from #Morocco. H2 import not competitive.
9/ Conclusions: green steel competitive to domestic coal-based steel; H2 imports are not helpful for steel industry due to high H2 transport costs; HBI imports may reconfigure steel value chain; #Spain can establish a fully competitive green steel value chain.
/10 @mzjacobson @efesce @kei_sakurai @AukeHoekstra @solarpapst @Stefan_Hajek @BrianVad @ProfHLund @nworbmot @martavictoria_p @PaoYuOei @GregNemet @SvenTeske @JuttaPaulusRLP @ProfStrachan @CKemfert @Ma_Deutsch @fuerstenwerth @JeroAhola @PetteriLaakson4 @nduic @sdewes_centre
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