Center for Countering Digital Hate Profile picture
International organization disrupting the production and spread of hate & misinformation. US 501(c)(3) non-profit. Press:

Mar 28, 2023, 10 tweets

🚨NEW: Shocking new analysis by @CCDHate found that tweets with anti-LGBTQ+ ‘grooming’ narrative have jumped 119% since Elon Musk took over Twitter.

A thread 🧵…

CCDH identified over 1.7 million tweets and retweets since the start of 2022 that mention the LGBTQ+ community alongside slurs such as “groomer” and “pedophile”.

Over the past year, the LGBTQ+ community has been targeted by a wave of abuse centered on the false and hateful lie that they ‘groom’ children, often directed at teachers, Pride events and drag story hour events.

CCDH’s new research reveals that 5 highly popular accounts known for pushing anti-LGBTQ+ narrative generate up to $6.4m per year in ad revenue for the platform, and one was even reinstated by Musk after a permanent ban.

Out of the 5 accounts, Libs of TikTok, Gays Against Groomers & Chris Rufo have been listed by @ADL as top online amplifiers of anti-LGBTQ+ extremism.

Meanwhile, James Lindsay and Tim Pool have helped to popularize grooming rhetoric on Twitter.

Gays Against Groomers is known for spreading false narratives about the LGBTQ+ community, including “grooming”, “indoctrination” and “child mutilation”.

❗️Disney+ ads appear next to a tweet that amplifies the ‘grooming’ narrative.

@DisneyPlus, is this what you paid for?

Kindle’s ads are placed alongside anti-LGBTQ+ content shared by Libs of TikTok.

❌ Libs of TikTok is known for targeting people in the LGBTQ+ space - who often report real-world violence, harassment and threats after being targeted.

@AmazonKindle, is this what you paid for?

“Twitter must decide if they believe in the fundamental rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ people, or if they want to continue profiting from and normalizing hate. They cannot do both.”

Our CEO @Imi_Ahmed on CCDH’s latest findings about the rise in anti-LGBTQ+ hate on Twitter. 🗣

Twitter is profiting from a surge in anti-LGBTQ+ content that has dangerous offline consequences.

If @Twitter delays action, advertisers must intervene to #StopToxicTwitter.

Want to take action?

Add your name and call on advertisers to stop funding anti-LGBTQ+ hate on Twitter and #StopToxicTwitter 👇…

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