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Just a guy

Mar 29, 2023, 7 tweets

🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 @tonyfernandes_, CEO of @AirAsia, is "laying low" amidst @Airbus bribery & @RollsRoyce corp. care scandals.

It appears he supported @MuhyiddinYassin's Golf Charity while Malaysians were not allowed to hv gatherings. (1/5)

Reference: sarawakreport.org/talkback/wonde…

It's time for @tonyfernandes_ to turn himself in to @SPRMMalaysia & @PDRMsia.

Muhyiddin is facing four counts of abuse of power and two counts of #moneylaundering.

We need to know the extent of his involvement in these scandals & his role in Muhyiddin's Golf Charity. (2/5)

@PasolaOfficial has done an excellent job breaking down the details of the @MuhyiddinYassin "Golf Charity". We must hold our leaders accountable!

Check out this thread for more information. (3/5)

As Malaysians, we deserve to know the truth.

@tonyfernandes_ should come clean and spill the beans on his dealings in the @Airbus & @RollsRoyce scandals involving @airasia.

Let's demand transparency and accountability from our leaders! (4/5)

Join me in calling for #TransparencyNow and #AccountabilityMatters.

It's time for our leaders to put the interests of the people first.

Let's demand the truth from @tonyfernandes_ and others who have been involved in these scandals.

Are you "laying low" or not, Tony?


Bonus pic: @tonyfernandes_ with ex UMW & Federal Auto boss Cheng Seng Fook, booted from Proton for corruption!

Here's a pic of Cheng with Dato' Samson Anand George Malaysia's #1 automotive moneylaunderer and TonyF's @Peugeot 308 he bought thru Samson.

Birds of a feather!?


@BursaMalaysia @SecComMalaysia Why no action against @airasia Execs 1&2 with regards to the @Airbus bribery scandal?

@SPRMMalaysia @PDRMsia when will Tan Sri @tonyfernandes_ be hauled up for questioning?

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