DeFi_ZooRacer⛓️FUD-Destroyer⚔️Money-Printer Profile picture
CAO @OnPlyr🎙#SpacesHost Creator🎮@WagmiGameCo @PlaySipher @PlayBigTime Ambassador @horizenglobal @wanchain_org @wanswap @WanLend Guild⚔️@TheCatalystOG @3PacFAM

Mar 29, 2023, 9 tweets

hey look its me 👇

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Do you have something to say to those who want to join the Zenvangelist program or any crypto community? #Horizen @horizenglobal $ZEN

How does it feel to be named Legend Zenvangelist? #honored #StayZEN #Horizen $ZEN @horizenglobal

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get your $ZEN #Horizen @horizenglobal swag

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